Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: 5g, dc comics, first 5g rumours, The 5G Files, timeline
5G and the New DC Timeline Will First Be Seen in the First Three Months of 2020?
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran the big 5G, Death Metal, and DC Timeline gossip from across the holiday period. And naturally, I woke up to lots of comments, clarifications, corrections and one or two cuffs around the ear.
One such involved Bleeding Cool stating that the first signs of what would be coming in DC's 5G and Timeline shift would be seen in Metal Men, the series written by DC Publisher Dan DiDio. Not a bit of it, it seems.
I mean, it may well still all be in Metal Men. But the actual first published signs in the DCU proper, rather than the slight reference in the currently-out-of-continuity Doomsday Clock has, apparently, been solicited already but not yet published. And I am encouraged to look at the first three months worth of DC Comics solicitations to see if I can spot the obvious. Well, I can't. Can you? Here are the runners and riders.
- Wonder Woman #750 that 'tells tales from Diana's past, present and future by some of the greatest storytellers in the business'. Maybe including Diana in World War One as the first DC superhero – or who might come after her?
- Superman: Heroes #1, which 'explores what the identity of Clark Kent meant to those close to him—and what their relationship to Superman will be in the future.'
- The Flash #87? 'a surprise character returns from Barry's past with a grave warning about his future!'
- And Legion Of Super-Heroes #3 has 'Welcome to the future, Damian Wayne!' – could Damian find out how long each Robin was a Robin?
- Leviathan Dawn #1 has 'this all-new special blasts the DC Universe into a dangerous and brave new future!'
- Batman/Superman #7 has the pair creating 'new measures to prevent hidden and dangerous super-villain plots in the future. '
- Flash #88 has 'the Turtle's attack on Central City rained down from the future—and now the story of the civilians caught in the crossfire will change the Flash's life forever!'
- Legion Of Super-Heroes #4 has 'clues to how Aquaman's lost trident may be the key to Earth's future and survival!'
- Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #8 has 'Jimmy's sister Janie and Doc Mantel get to Gorilla City to warn Jimmy about what Doc saw in the future'
- Legion Of Super-Heroes #5 has 'DC's far-flung future is happening right now! With the secret of Jon Kent revealed, the Legion of Super-Heroes is united to save New Earth from those who would destroy it.' Could his secret be that he becomes Superman?
- The Terrifics #26 has 'Seeking to redefine the concept of super-heroics with bleeding-edge technology and targeted global problem-solving, Michael Holt and his team of outcasts are expanding their horizons to a bright new future.'
- And then there's the Robin 80th Anniversary Special which lists 'the high-flying adventures of Dick Grayson to the tragedy of Jason Todd, the enthusiasm of Tim Drake and the arrogance of Damian Wayne, the persistence of Stephanie Brown and the rebelliousness of Carrie Kelley—the mantle of Robin has been worn by many, but always represents one thing: a hero' – could this provide the new timeline, a decade for each Robin and a possible Robin to come?
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen, place your bets…