Posted in: Comic Show, Comics | Tagged: azarus, comic con, Comics, dc, hunger, image, justice league dark, l, marvel, san diego, sdcc
A Comic Shop – That Was The San Diego That Was – And Now, Tomorrow's Comics Today!
Aaron Haaland writes;
Hey Fandom, I'm back from SDCC and ready to read more comics! I had a freaking blast at the con, really getting two free passes each year as a comic shop from Diamond Comics is one of the best perks of the trade. This week I enjoyed my magic man Constantine, Superior Spidey, and Rucka's Lazarus among others.
DC's Trinity War is on fire now with Justice League Dark, it's been my favorite JL book since Lemire took over with #9 and it didn't disappoint! The three teams are all changing sides and forming new allegiances and while it's a big fluid mess of chaos, it also makes sense. Wonder Woman is looking for answers in myth and magic, Batman is the science and reason path, Superman's is ever the journo digging for the truth with the Question. Oh, and Constantine charms Shazam with a couple sentences and is on his way to his tie-in. Constantine #5 was brilliant, a single issue story that was fast, fun, and funny while tying in to Trinity via Shazam and then ending up at a loose end from his first issue. So, it ties-in, but can be enjoyed on its own, and it builds towards resolving a loose end from it's own series instead of just being an interruption. And…the Outsider is the CSA Earth Alfred, not a spoiler…just speculation. Batman Superman #2 was more fun that the first issue. I love having their brash younger selves butt up against their more sage older selves. Who need their current incarnations?
Superior Spider-man and Superior Team Up were both awesome. I love this SpOck guy. He's cleaned up Shadowland and is putting together his own Avengers team. Logan has Wolverine and the Avengers, he'll have Superior Spider-man and the Avengers (or the Mighty Avengers?)! Hawkeye's annual was the same kinda of crazy cool as the regular series, which means it is unskipable! Hunger after the Age of Ultron is really what we thought: Galactus eats the Ultimate Universe! I hope when it's all said and done we still have a title called "Ultimate Spider-man" featuring Miles in the 616 Marvel Universe.
Rucka's Lazarus #2 deepened the mythology. While I enjoyed #1, this issue really got my imagination going. Our future is gonna suck!