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A Comic Show And The Steven Universe
Aaron Haaland writes,
Hey Fandom! The book I'm most excited about this week is Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems #1. If you're a fan of the show, you're gonna want this book. Where the last series were collections of shorts, this one is a long form four issue arc. Avatar Smoke And Shadow part three concludes that run of the Last Airbender. Jonesy #2 is more crushes and whimsy with a modern day cupid. Archer And Armstrong #1 is laugh out loud funny and totally accessible to new readers. Beauty volume one's society is totally obsessed with beauty and sex, but the difference is that have an STD that makes you beautiful. And Archie's Waid and Staples reboot brings Riverdale into the 21st century.
International Iron Man #1 gives us a glimpse into Tony's college days as he tries to track down his real birth parents in the present. Apocalypse has four new horsemen with some esoteric picks. And I can't wait to reread Secret Wars in one sitting with this oversized hardcover!
DC Legends of Tomorrow #1 is four issues of content under one cover for $7.99, so if you want to read two or more of the stories then it's worth it. Superman American Alien #5 has Clark's first encounter with Lex. Batman volume 8, Superheavy is here, and screw what you heard: Snyder made a Robo-cop-energizer-bunny-Batman awesome! Also, I'm gonna enjoy the Mad Love Harley Quinn and Visual Funk adult coloring books!