Marvel Comics' X-Men plots by Jed MacKay and Gail Simone for late 2025 revealed thanks to Amazon- #XSpoilers of course
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, conan, dark horse, groo, mark evanier, sergio aragones, stan sakai
Groo/Conan, Groo Friends/Foes And Maybe Groo/Tarzan With Sergio Aragones And Mark Evanier
A new history Of MAD Magazine by Mark Evanier and Sergio Aragones was announced at the Sergio And Mark Show panel at San Diego Comic Con today. But it was just one of a number of projects the pair were talking about. Nikolai Fomich sent in a few bullet points ahead of a longer report…
- Sergio is currently penciling #4 of Groo Vs Conan.
- Sergio didn't want to do crossovers at first, took a while to decide to do it, really wanted to come up with logical reason for crossover.
- Solution was using Sergio and mark WITHIN the comic, where they defend a comic shop from a cop, Sergio gets hurt, goes to hospital, starts fantasing about Conan and Groo.
- Sergio: main problem – Conan and Groo can't defeat each other. Solution – using setup of Rashamon set up of Kurosawa's film.
- If successful, maybe do a Groo/Tarzan series.
- Back to regular production when #4 comes back, Sergio working 'as fast as ever'.
- After that do 12 issues of groo called Friends/Foes, alternating each issue between "friend" and "foe".
- In future hope to reprint earlier groo stories, not sure whether or not to recolor
- Stan Sakai working on what if HG Wells' martians invaded feudal Japan 200 years earlier?

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