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Betty and Veronica in Their Own Series, Up for Auction

Iconic Archie Comics frenemies Betty and Veronica got a series of their own for the first time beginning in 1950 from Dan DeCarlo and others.

Article Summary

  • Betty and Veronica debuted their own series in 1950 via Archie Comics.
  • Archie Andrews first appeared in Pep Comics #22 back in 1941.
  • The Betty and Veronica series spanned 347 issues from 1950 to 1987 and remains iconic.
  • Dan DeCarlo contributed to 212 issues of the classic original B&V comic run.

The publisher that became known as Archie Comics has been a beloved part of American pop culture since the character's debut in 1941. Since that moment, there have been a seemingly endless number of titles featuring Archie and his pals, and the concept of titles featuring the other residents of Riverdale began to take shape with the introduction of Archie's Pal Jughead in 1949 and Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica in 1950.  That original Betty and Veronica series became iconic in its own right, and there's an Archie's Girls, Betty and Veronica Group of 4 (Archie, 1957-59) Condition: Average VG- up for auction in the 2024 June 23-25 Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Comic Books Select Auction #122426 at Heritage Auctions.

Betty and Veronica #41(Archie, 1959)
Archie's Girls, Betty and Veronica #41(Archie, 1959)

The creation of Bob Montana, John L. Goldwater, and Vic Bloom, Archie Andrews first appeared in 1941 in Pep Comics #22. Archie became a regular feature of that title, which was followed by the launch of Archie Comics #1 within a year. MLJ superhero series Top Notch Comics eventually became Laugh Comics, which was also soon converted into a title featuring Archie and the gang. The publisher which had until then been called MLJ was renamed Archie Comics in 1946. Other characters in a similar vein, like Wilbur and Katy Keene were added to the publisher's line, but the Archie franchise expansion itself continued with the Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica and Archie's Pal Jughead titles, with still others being added in the decades to follow.

The original Archie's Girls, Betty and Veronica series lasted for 347 issues 1950 to 1987.  Over the subsequent years, 18 titles featuring Betty and Veronica have been published, and the characters have had at least one of their own titles published continuously 1950 to present for a total of over 1,000 issues and counting.

Archie Comics legend Dan DeCarlo has work in 212 issues of the original 347 issue series.  Early issues of a title featuring comics' most iconic duo this side of Batman and Robin, there's an Archie's Girls, Betty and Veronica Group of 4 (Archie, 1957-59) Condition: Average VG- up for auction in the 2024 June 23-25 Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Comic Books Select Auction #122426 at Heritage Auctions.

Series featuring Betty and Veronica.
Series featuring Betty and Veronica.
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Mark SeifertAbout Mark Seifert

Co-founder and Creative director of Bleeding Cool parent company Avatar Press since 1996. Bleeding Cool Managing Editor, tech and data wrangler, and has been with Bleeding Cool since its 2009 beginnings. Wrote extensively about the comic book industry for Wizard Magazine 1992-1996. At Avatar Press, has helped publish works by Alan Moore, George R.R. Martin, Garth Ennis, and others. Vintage paper collector, advisor to the Overstreet Price Guide Update 1991-1995.
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