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Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 9th November 2014 – Here Come The Spiders
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the Wednesday Warriors, those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
And this week, the comics they couldn't wait to get were the Marvel events – Spider-Verse and Axis, pushing aside the usual champion Batman Eternal…
- Amazing Spider-Man #9
- Axis #4
- Batman Eternal #31
- Superman Unchained #9
- Detective Comics #36
- Rocket Raccoon #5
- Earth 2: World End #5
- Earth 2 #28
- New 52: Futures End #27
- Spider-Verse Team-Up #1
Thanks to the following retailers,
- G-Mart Comic Books of Champaign, Illinois
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, Pennsylvania
- Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New Hampshire
- Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Iowa
- Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia
- Graham Crackers Comics of Illinois – Plainfield, Naperville, Downers Grove, St. Charles, Wheaton, DeKalb + Chicago LOOP/Edgewater/Lakeview
- Jesse James Comics of Phoenix, Arizona
And this is what they had to say,
Pretty down sales week. Though I expect next week will make up for the lack of interest.
Spider-Man rules the roost and nothing really came close to selling as much. All of DC's weeklys are still doing well. Rocket Raccoon still selling but can't say the same for Star Lord.
Lobo #2 sales were abysmal.This week was pretty much Marvel week. With 8 spots going to Marvel. Birthright #2 comes in third. Overall, Probably our most bland week this year. There was some resistance with Superman unchained #9 with only about 30% of our box holders that took this pull. Most forgot how the story went or just boycotted it for how long it took.
Weekly books are 3 of my top 6. I love me a weekly. Spidey may have been stronger, but all of my shelf copies were damaged. Tooth & Claw #1 had a lot of buzz, but didn't move much. Axis is doing well, especially after I discounted the 1st 3 issues to move them along. Next week should be a doozy.
Superman Unchained ends its run on a high selling note even with the late shipping that plagued its run. Lego variants gets people to buy both covers of various titles for DC helping their sales. The latest Amazing Spiderman sold out on Wednesday. DC's weekly series are still going strong.
Batman back issues are in demand again. His first series and current. Starting to have confusion over various Marvel back issues due to them being relaunched so many times. Many customers are casual comic buyers not die hards so when one asks for Thor 2 from a previous series and doesn't know the writer or artist from issue one just that they liked it that makes it tough to figure out which previous Thor series it is from.
Decent week for books since people came in to pick up Amazing Spider-Man #9 for the first part of Spider-Verse. Never seen so many people glad that a book came to the end with Superman Unchained #9, i would recommend that from now on any Jim Lee book should be solicited as a bi-monthly book, unless it is a Neil Gaiman book then make it seasonal.
Infinity War, Infinity War, Infinity War…that was the only book that people had on their back-issue list for the week.
Great week in comics! As expected, Axis took the number one spot here at our shop, even though "KLUH" was talked about non-stop as being the lamest thing that's happened in mainstream comics since Franken-Castle. Superman Unchained pulled in some great numbers with it's last issue. Images BIRTHRIGHT #2 sold like mad, and with the 2nd printing of #1 out in the same week, I had a ton of people pick up both, who hadn't had a chance to grab issue 1 the first time around. Great to see books like Men of Wrath and Velvet hanging in the top ten too. It's the dawn of the age of Image!
Have had a ton of people asking for New Mutants #98 lately. I mean, they always did, but since the movie got green-lit, it's been multiple times a day. That book couldn't be hotter right now!