Posted in: Comics | Tagged: ch-ch-changes, great lakes avengers, marvel
Ch-Ch-Changes: As Trade Paperback Adds Extra Issue, Future Of Marvel's Great Lakes Avengers In Doubt
Earlier this week, Bleeding Cool Rumormonger-in-Chief Rich Johnston noted that several of Marvel's April solicitations seemed a bit final. Amongst them, Great Lakes Avengers, of which Johnston noted:
Unexpectedly Great Lakes Avengers is going one issue beyond its first volume solicits with an #7… although it seems to be a finale to the story contained in the first six issues collected in the TPB. Hmmmm.
Hmmmm indeed. As Johnston noted, though the solicit did seem like an ending…
• Join us for the thrilling finale of Dr. Nod and the Bod Squad vs. The Great Lakes Avengers!
• Watch as Big Bertha finally picks on someone her own size! Cringe as Flatman tries to lead the team!
• Recoil in horror as Mr. Immortal wrestles a gallbladder bigger than himself!
• Plus, at least TWO FULL PANELS guest-starring Deadpool or your money back!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
…the trade paperback listing on Amazon claimed to collect just the first six issues of the series. Since we know Marvel likes their series to be wrapped up in neat, collection-sized packages, the promise of a second trade seemed to carry with it a promise of more issues of Great Lakes Avengers.
However, in a letter to retailers today, Marvel announced a change for Great Lakes Avengers Vol. 1: the book, previously solicited at 136 pages for $17.99, would now be 160 pages at $19.99. Just enough for one more issue, and tying neat, single-collection bow around the series if that issue should be its last.
R.I.P. Great Lakes Avengers?
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain an extra issue of Great Lakes Avengers, and suffer the loss of the series? Pip pip. ~Johnston 8:36