The election result gets closer and closer… It is the story that comic folk, and others keep reacting to. And probably will do for quite some time. Click here for Part One, Part Two and let Part Three kick off on social media, with current election vote count has Biden leading in Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. If one calls for Biden, and Arizona holds, that's game over.
PJ Holden: Wow Fox News really have decided trump is done. I hope someone has the fox and friends crew on a close overnight watch.m because I think they're still hoping…
Tony Bedard: WOOT! Joe Biden takes the lead in Pennsylvania after edging ahead in Georgia
Si Spurrier: We all thought you'd gone 100% nuts, America. Glad to see you were just Biden your time.
Ron Salas: How many "Biden your time" "jokes" are we going to see today?
Russ Burlingame: My guess is that when overseas and military votes are counted, Trump will bounce back in Georgia (Biden's lead is razor thin and those votes will not be as overwhelmingly Democratic as domestic mail in votes) — but by then PA will be done counting. I don't expect to see him drop below 270 projected again.
Matt Miner: Watching FOX News to hear them fall all over themselves to explain how a mixture of provisional ballots and military ballots could still win Trump this thing.
Matt Krotzer: PA is now for Biden!
Conor Pope: If you're not watching the US news channels today, one of the big talking points is now: "Who will tell the president he has lost?" They have ruled out his chief of staff.
Rob Williams: I vote Brian Blessed.
Michael Davis: Look if there's a race war I suggest a dance off! Shit-I forgot you guys can't dance. Your suggestion? Swim meet? Oh-VERY FUNNY!
Jamal Igle: Biden – 264 Trump – 214 Austin 3:16 says I just whupped your ass!
Joe Hill: If our allies care about us and the health of our democracy, world leaders will move swiftly to congratulate Joe Biden on winning the presidency, legitimizing his victory on the global stage. It would take a lot of the steam out of Trump's rabid conspiracy-mongering… In fact Boris is exactly who I was thinking about. He has everything to gain by being the first to congratulate Biden. Joey Bee was against Brexit — good tactics to try and establish a positive relationship right now.
Colleen Doran: Feelin' very…American Way.
Comic Book Folk React To… The Presidential Election (Part Three)
Chris Sotomayor: I like presidents who win the popular vote AND the electoral college. Andy Diggle: Half of America is *furious* about things that aren't real.
Comic Book Folk React To… The Presidential Election (Part Three)
In-person voting
Comic Book Folk React To… The Presidential Election (Part Three)
Mail in ballots
Cully Hamner: When all this is done, I would really, reeeeeally like "government should be run like a business" banished from all discourse, please.
Mitch Gerads: Genuine actual happy tears. God damn.
Ed Solomon: May be premature but I'm calling the race for Kanye
Frankie Boyle: Trump was a kid once, and people don't just become monstrous narcissists for no reason, and dreadful as he is, and much as I pity his victims, I can't help feeling some pity for him too.
More, much much more, to come. Election is still not (quite) over.
Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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