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Comic Creators Diss Apple iPad Ad But Pia Guerra Doesn't And Wants One

Comic Creators diss the recently released advertisement for the Apple iPad ad but Y The Last Man's Pia Guerra doesn't... and just wants one

Article Summary

  • Comic creators criticize Apple's iPad ad that symbolizes crushing art into a thin device.
  • Industry voices like Neil Kleid and Trungles express disdain for the iPad's new ad.
  • Pia Guerra defends the ad, interprets it as 'compression' of tools rather than destruction.
  • The community is divided, with some desiring the new iPad and others disappointed.

The new Apple iPad ad that sees all of human creativity crushed, leaving a new very thin iPad, has caused quite a lot of consternation in the creative community seeing so many beautiful things flattened into two dimensions.

And a fair few comic book creators and folk who are comics-adjacent had a few things to say about it all.

Neil Kleid:"Apple coming out strong with the implication here that design may sometimes come from the death of art"

Trungles: "I really like working on my iPad, but this has convinced me this next generation is a hard pass"

Tom Ward: "AD AGENCY: So, what are you looking for for the new iPad advert. APPLE: Honestly, we don't really give a fuck, do something that'll make people just angry enough to share the advert for us for free to maximise our reach and engagement. AD AGENCY: Yup lol, suckers."

Alasdair Stuart: *Every single creative industry in inconceivable amounts of trouble. Creatives by the tens of thousands laid off* APPLE: 'Sup, bitches! Our new gigaslate can do all your shit for you and we're going to destroy thousands of dollars of supplies to prove it!

Pete Woods:"The funny thing about @Apple 's tone-deaf ad aimed at creatives is there's nothing new about it that helps me create better than previous versions. It's faster and thinner. I adore my iPad Pro. It's my livelihood. But I don't need faster or thinner. I needed physically bigger.

Kelly McKernan: "This is appalling and incredibly tone-deaf. Embarrassed to be an Apple user seeing this."

Ed Solomon: "Who needs human life and everything that makes it worth living? Dive into this digital simulacrum and give us your soul. Sincerely, Apple."

James Viscardi: This ad is the perfect depiction of Tim Cook's Apple vs Jobs'

Fernando Pinto: Apple: We will crush everything artists love.

But not everyone feels that way. At least the co-creator of Y The Last Man and political cartoonist Pia Guerra does not. She also took to social media.

Pia Guerra:Oh come on guys, context. It's not about destroying/replacing all these things, it's about cramming all this functionality into a ridiculously tiny machine. And yeah, I would like one… But it's not destruction, it's *compression*. It's a huge number of tools/apps/instruments/games shoved into a tablet that help artists create and send work out into the world. That was Jobs' whole deal. Apple doesn't own the rights to all those tools or the products, so… no.

Is Pia right? Is everyone else wrong? Also, I would also like to have one. But maybe that ad would look better… backwards?


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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