We've just got a brand new Venom in Marvel's Venom #1. Comic Book's Matthew Mueller has noticed in the Inhumans Vs X-Men calendar recently shipped out to
Venom Archives
Bleeding Cool has reported on a number of special gifts from Marvel to retailers. Exclusive one-per-store variant cover editions of Venom #1, Ghost Rider
Marvel has a raft of new second prints hitting the rollers, to hit stores on the 28th December. Amazing Spider-Man #21, Black Panther #8, Infamous Iron
Venom's new series from Marvel is launched today, by Mike Costa and Gerardo Sandoval. A brand new host, with elements of previous other hosts. But enough
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efFm9QH8kdk&feature=youtu.be Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! We're getting ready for our storewide Black Friday sale
This week sees the release of the new Venom comic book by Mike Costa and Gerardo Sandoval. Heavy anticipated, the book has been a pre-order sales success
Civil War II should have been over by now. Which is why there are very few Civil War II crossovers right now. But with a number of issues left to go, the
We've noted that the launch of Venom #1 seems like it may be an advanced hit for Marvel Comics. Anticipation is high. And a few retailers did indeed take
Greetings from the coal face of the direct comics market. Where retailers try to increase their orders of certain comics ahead of sale. Where supply and
This retailer exclusive cover to Venom #1 for Quickstop Comics and Wonerworld Comics, features their owner in his stock pose, in the middle left. But
As posted by retailer Larry Docherty to Comic Book Speculation Academy.... From tomorrow's Deadpool Too Soon #1, the first appearance of Squirrel-Pool.
Okay, so it was more of a guess. But Bleeding Cool was the first to tell you about the secret artist variant cover, available to every store that orders a
Marvel are relaunching Venom #1 with Mike Costa and Gerardo Sandoval in November. The symbiote you know and love has returned to New York City. No more
eBay store Sad Lemon Comics, eBay seller Super Heroes for Sale and comic store Frankie's Comics in the US have a bunch of upcoming exclusive retailer
The Diamond Retailer Lunch Meeting is underway as San Diego Comic-Con. Where retailers from across the world gather to talk with publishers, distributors
During the recent Secret Wars crossover, Marvel published the most excellent Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars series in which we discovered that not only was
He's been a US Agent. He's been a Spider-Man Dark Avenger. He's been a Space Knight. And now, he;s back on Earth, tongue a-flicking. No idea exactly who
There's no creators or visuals. But in February, Marvel Comics are publishing a collection, Deadpool: Back In Black. It is likely that this will be a
A few changes 'twixt solicitation and publication... Aquaman Rebirth #1 was solicited as art by Oscar Jimenez but he is joined by Scot Eaton. Black Canary
All hail Bell of Lost Souls for noticing this. But some space ships in Venom: Space Knight #6 looked a little familiar. As if they were right out of
Kron Stone was the older half-brother of Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-Man of 2099. And who, quite coincidentally, bonded with the Venom symbiote who, over
Deadpool has changed the game. An opening weekend that dwarfed all superhero movies aside from the Avengers, despite having a lower budget and a far lower
Today brings the release of Marvel Comics’ Venom: Space Night, a comic that will delve into the trials, perseverance, and eventual triumph of wounded
Bleeding Cool welcomes the return of Talking Comics, from Excalibur Comics, Cards, and Games in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss this week’s upcoming
The Hulk/Venom character - basically the Hulk with the Venom symbiote costume - will be appearing in the Contest Of Champions series from Marvel. CONTEST
As Ryan tweets... Gulp. pic.twitter.com/VlykMNbGtx— ROTTLEY (@RyanOttley) October 1, 2015
This is a big value book in the after-market. What If Venom Posessed Deadpool by Skottie Young. Hot characters, hot creator, very low print run. And it
Posted by Nomadofexile to Reddit/r/comicbooks... Playing goalie in my usual gear, look across the field to see my opponent wearing his... Who wants to
This is how it went down the first time. From the original Secret Wars #8. Where Spider-Man encounters a strange alien clothes making machine... But
Today, we have a lot of Marvel news coming through about their All-New All-Different Marvel relaunch in October. Such as Venom: Spaceknight by Robbie