Posted in: Comics, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, News Reportage | Tagged: Comics, coronavirus comics, dc, marvel, schedule
DC and Marvel Comics Using Current Situation to Get Ahead Of Schedule
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran an article about the word we had received from comic book creators at DC Comics. Who were telling me that planned work had been put on hold for them. Checking back, that doesn't seem to have changed. It just sees DC join Marvel, IDW, Valiant, Oni, Dark Horse and more, as many comic publisher make rescheduling changes. We also noted that this was only for very specific projects, and has been told this applied to Black Label and Generation Five-tagged projects. That everything else was still go, which seems to be a similar story for both Marvel and DC Comics.
To that extent, I have been reassured that the lights are still very much on at Marvel and DC Comics. Marvel has put 10-15% of projects on pause for now. Mostly those that were timed to now-delayed movies such as Black Widow, or launch titles that won't be launching during the current situation.
For DC Comics, it's even fewer projects. As we stated, DC Comics is using the pause to bank pages and get more comic books finished and done, for when production and distribution returns. I understand that any pauses are on books that would have been paused or cancelled for other reasons other than the current global situation. Though some have also told me that it a welcome opportunity for some in DC editorial to perform a little DiDio-ectomy, and either remove, delay or reduce in prominence comic books that are most associated with former publisher Dan DiDio. Though his Metal Men comic with Shane Davis is expected to come to its planned conclusion with issue 12 later this year. Or next year, depending on everyone's new schedule.
Speak of the DiDio, Dan will be doing a live Drink & Draw in a two days time on YouTube. Dan says "don't know about the drawing, but I definitely have some practice with the drinking part." While Shane Davis is offering exclusive cards with purchase of signed copies of his Superman: Earth One TPB to raise money for local comic book shops.
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