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DC Will Publish Two Narrative Strands For DC All-In Including Absolute

In October, DC Comics will publish the DC All-In Special #1, which will kickstart the DC Absolute Universe, as well as Absolute Batman.

Article Summary

  • DC Comics unveils DC All-In Special #1 starting the Absolute Universe in October.
  • Absolute Batman #1 to launch alongside, offering a modern take on classic heroes.
  • Both new Absolute narratives and legacy Prime Earth stories will unfold concurrently.
  • Expect major revelations at San Diego Comic-Con, with Scott Snyder leading the project.

In October, DC Comics will publish the DC All-In Special #1, a new anthology comic book one-shot which will kickstart the DC Absolute Universe that I have been talking about for a little while now. A shared universe that recreates DC classic characters for the current times. But, as I have also said, this is only the half of it. The mainstream Prime Earth DC Universe will continue with the classic DC characters in the traditional fashion, using pre-existing continuity… and that is the second narrative to DC All-In.

DC Will Publish Two Narrative Strands For DC All-In Including Absolute
Totally mocked up and fictitious logo for DC All-In

The difference between this and what Marvel did with Ultimate Marvel is that both continuities and narratives are separate but somehow linked. How? That, I don't know yet. But the DC All-In Special #1 in October will reveal it all. As will Absolute Batman #1, also scheduled for October.

I have noted a lot of DC comic books are changing creative teams around this time, including Tini Howard and Ram V. Lots of books will start new storylines with new creators and new ideas. And it seems that all of DC Comics will basically be a jumping on point come October, and that's what DC All-In is all about. The Absolute Universe will just be one part of that. Scott Snyder is the creative lead on this, as Dan DiDio and Jim Lee were for the New 52, and Geoff Johns was for Rebirth.

San Diego Comic-Con will reveal all. But until then, you will have to be content with what we know so far. For a little while now, I have run gossip about an upcoming publishing project at DC Comics being spearheaded by Scott Snyder. One that has been compared to Marvel Comics' Ultimate line, which reimagined a number of main characters in a new continuity, recreating them from the ground up. And we had a name for it: Absolute. Or Absolute Universe, part of a new relaunch of DC Comics dubbed DC All-In. We leaked creators lined up for the line, as well as confirming Absolute Batman ashcans for SDCC. It's going to be a big one.

Use our Absolute tag and DC All-In tag to catch up on all our previous and future reporting on this story.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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