So what is Jonathan Hickman, Iban Coello and Federico Vicentini's Imperial from Marvel Comics about anyway?
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dc, image, walking dead
DC Editor Sean Mackiewicz Moves To Skybound
Before San Diego Comic Con, I began to hear rumours that Robert Kirkman had been approaching Marvel and DC editorial staff on behalf of his publishing imprint Skybound. That seems to have born fruit today.
Sina Grace has announced that Kirkman has hired Sean Mackiewicz as a Skybound editor, to replace Grace so he can focus on his own comic, L'il Depressed Boy and an upcoming graphic novel Not My Bag.
Sean Mackiewicz was an editor or assistant editor on New 52 books such as Aquaman, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Stormwatch and Suicide Squad, as well as Earth 2.

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