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Enter The Battlefield Starts GoFundMe for Comics Manager Rob Lantz

Canadian store Enter the Battlefield, has seen tragedy strike their comic book manager, Rob Lantz, and has launched a GoFundMe.

Article Summary

  • Comic store Enter the Battlefield starts GoFundMe for manager Rob Lantz after his wife’s sudden passing.
  • Donations will support Rob with funeral costs and daycare for his two young boys, Diego and Rafa.
  • Enter the Battlefield pledges 50% of book sales from Aug 28 to Sept 3 to aid Lantz family.
  • ETB has raised $10,384 towards their $15,000 goal, with more fundraising events anticipated.

Canadian comic books and gaming chain Enter The Battlefield, with stores in Newmarket and Oakville, Ontario, has seen tragedy strike their comic book manager, Rob Lantz. And the store has started a GoFundMe to help him and his children out at this difficult time. They write;

Enter the Battlefield Starts GoFundMe for Comics Manager Rob Lantz

"Hi, I'm Jay from Enter the Battlefield and I've started this GoFundMe for Rob Lantz in memory of his wife Laura who passed away suddenly and without warning on Sunday August Eighteenth leaving Rob to take care of their two boys Diego (22 months) and Rafa (8 months). We at the ETB family are doing everything we can to help Rob in this difficult time and hope that our incredible community will come together and help out as well. To that end we have started this GoFundMe with 100% of the profits going to Rob to put towards funeral costs and to help with daycare and all the other costs that we know will come up for him as a single father of two.

"Rob has been an integral part of this community for more than a dozen years. It is through his efforts that the comic book portion of the store exists and continues to thrive. He is a great friend, a loyal employee and a devoted father and though we didn't know Laura as well as we should have we know that she made Rob happier than he had been in years. She was an incredible cook and sent food in once in a while that was a treat for all. She will be sadly missed.

"A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated and every cent of it will go to the Lantz family and ETB will give out an incredible gift to one random contributor. Please give generously and show your support to a family, and a man who would never ask for himself. I thank you all in advance for taking the time to read this and for any gift given. ETB will also donate 50% from the sale of every book (comic, compendium, softcover, hardcover, anime, omnibus….) sold from Wednesday August 28 until Tuesday September 3, 2024, so if you have been waiting to buy a book, that is the time to do it. This includes all pull lists and there are no exceptions so please come in and support the Lantz family. As yet there is no date for a service because this happened so suddenly but we will post any information here as soon as we get it."

They have currently raised $10,384 against a $15,000 target. Donors include comic book creators Meghan Fitzmartin, Matthew Rosenberg and David Cousins. I understand there will be other fundraising events being launched.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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