Posted in: Comics | Tagged: fcbd, florida
Famous Faces & Funnies Replaces FCBD With 26-Hour Facebook Auction
Last week, Bleeding Cool ran a piece on Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop's 24 Hour Live Auction on Facebook. Turns out, Rick Shea of Famous Faces & Funnies, also of Florida, takes the credit for getting Aaron started on these and have just celebrated their second anniversary of doing Facebook Live auctions.
Since they can't have Free Comic Day this year, where they normally have two thousand-plus people, they're going to do a 26 Hour Facebook Live auction over the period instead, an hour for every letter of the alphabet. They will focusing on selling comics, and won't be doing toys or creator interviews as they have over 200,000 back issues and want to go through as much as possible.
Famous Faces & Funnies will be doing $8 flat-rate USPS shipping anywhere in the continental US no matter how many and promise at least one free comic per hour. They also always give out a random $25 gift card to someone who shared their event and they'll commit to an extra $25 gift card for every hundred shares they get. They will give everyone two free comics from FCBD past or other dollar books from a small selection, plus will throw in additional comics for every additional $25 spent.
Famous Faces & Funnies will begin at noon ET (9am PT, 5pm BST) on May 2nd, and keep going until 2pm on May 3rd (11am PT, 7pm BST) for those who want to follow along. So anyone want to join me popping by? I could be there for the earlier and later letters of the alphabet certainly. A-G and then see you again round about the letter T.
You can also keep an eye on the latest effects on the comic book industry of the current global situation with this link, all ready to bookmark.