Posted in: Comics | Tagged: cable, german peralta, james robinson, jon malin, Lonnie Nadler, marvel, Zac Thompson
Hope Summers Returns in Cable #155 with New Creative Team of Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler, German Peralta
Big changes are in store for Cable just a few months into Marvel Legacy. Starting with Cable #155 in March, Ed Brisson and Jon Malin are out, and a new creative team of Zac Thompson, Lonnie Nadler, and German Peralta are in for a new storyline called Past Fears. And joining Cable is his daughter Hope Summers, as they face off against a new techno-organic threat.
Newsarama has the EXCLUSIVE interview with the team, and in that interview, Thompson and Nadler reveal that, JUST LIKE WE'VE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG, superstar writer Matthew Rosenberg is indeed still Matty from the Block, hooking his old Black Mask friends up with a sweet new gig.
Zac Thompson: Previous to joining Cable we had been talking to Marvel for a while. Thanks to the relentless support of Matthew Rosenberg, our comic The Dregs wound up in the hands of Marvel editorial. That book is a weird homeless detective story that we did at Black Mask Studios. We honestly never expected anyone at Marvel to dig it but they did. We hopped on a call to discuss The Dregs and that ended up turning into a talk about the X-Men. Lonnie and I both started reading comics with X-Men, so naturally we were eager to work inside the X-Universe. We pitched a few miniseries ideas just to get a feel for the universe and that eventually lead to us landing this new arc on Cable.
Lonnie Nadler: I feel like a lot of people are going to be asking that same question… We feel so fortunate to be working at Marvel in the X-Universe and writing this character in particular. It's pretty much how Zac laid it out and it was all rather serendipitous. We were lucky to have the support of Axel Alonso, who was Editor-In-Chief at the time, early on. Our editor on the book, Darren Shan, has also been hugely supportive of our work and he's a big part of the reason why we're part of we're writing this crazy story.
Peralta also chimes in, explaining what he's looking forward to drawing in the book and teasing the new threat.
I love to draw expressions, Cable is a character who gives me a lot of opportunities to play with that. If I have to choose the characters to draw I prefer the old ones and tough guys because every line in their face is telling something of their past, and Cable has a lot in his past.
I really enjoy drawing crazy technology too, so I really feel grateful for the opportunity to mix expressions, technology and a lot of muscles.
About what's in my drawing board right now? I can only say that there is a huge threat.
Read the full interview at Newsarama, and check out the solicit and cover below. Cable #155 hits stores in March.
CABLE #155
– Cable and Hope Summers reunited!
– But it may be too little too late, as a Techno Organic-like creature wants them dead!
– Who is this strange new creature, and what is its connection to Cable?
– From the new creative team of writing duo Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler (THE DREGS) and artist GERMAN PERALTA (THANOS)!