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A Very Surprising Theory of the Identity of Voyager in Avengers: No Surrender… Spoilers If True
Little Bleeder Joseph Thomson writes in with a most intriguing theory.
Recently we have seen a new Avenger retconned into Marvel Comics history. A new founding member, Voyager who it now seems was a member until the seventies before she was shunted into another dimension, And now she has returned. Comparison have been made to The Sentry and to Jessica Jones, she suddenly appears on the Avengers founder statue and she now appears in flashback in stories that went in a different direction originally.
But who is she? If the Sentry was an avatar for Franklin Richards, could Voyager be one for Valeria Richards while she is off helping create the multiverse anew? Or is she a new form of Kang, changing the timelines?
Jason has a very different theory. That she's Jarvis.
Edwin Jarvis served in the British RAF during World War II and was its champion boxer three years running. He later moved to the United States where he became manservant to Howard Stark and Maria Stark and watched over the Starks' mansion and Tony Stark after their death
When Iron Man called the Avengers' first meeting and donated the Stark house as the Avengers Mansion headquarters, Jarvis grew accustomed to the guests and served the Avengers for many years thereafter, acting as a father figure to some of the newcomers. Jarvis was there for the first guest, the time-lost Captain America (Steve Rogers), to be a member of the Avengers. He was the only one to stay with the Avengers for their entire existence, a distinction not even Captain America can claim. As a result, Captain America has stated that Jarvis should be regarded just as much of an Avenger as he is.
Jarvis also spent some time as the primary babysitter for Franklin Richards, the super-powered son of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, when the two Fantastic Four members were residing at the mansion. He also served as the sponsor to Silverclaw while the latter was growing up, and the future Avengers member has come to regard him as an uncle.
In Avengers: No Surrender, Jarvis recently fell into a coma after saving a young man's life. It was only after that, that Voyager returned from being trapped in another dimension, everyone welcoming her return.
Joseph's theory is thus;
"Voyager may be a visual projection of some kind by Jarvis. In the comics featuring the founding Avengers statue with Voyager, Jarvis has always been at the forefront of the panels. She also only appears physically once Jarvis is in a coma, and he could be dying because he is using his energy in Voyager to help the Avengers, whom he has always served faithfully.
This is also hinted at by Beast who says he has been exposed to all sorts by his time with the Avengers which could explain his possible powers.
My final reason for believing this is through looking at the future solicitations most of which mention Jarvis. This is the solicit for Avengers #683
Jarvis' life hangs by a thread. Only by voyaging into Jarvis' mind can the Beast save him — but what terrible secret is lurking inside the memory of the Avengers' loyal butler?
This phrase heavily suggests a link between the two characters, and some future covers indicate the end of Voyager; maybe as Jarvis is saved the illusion is shattered?"
I like the theory. Might this also suggest that Edwin Jarvis is trans, if he appears in this fashion? Reflective of who he really is?