Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, batman 100, clownhunter, dc comics, ghost-maker, james tynion, Punchline
James Tynion IV Teases Ghost-Maker for Batman #100
James Tynion IV took to his newsletter, The Empire Of The Tiny Onion. to let us all know he is writing Batman #100 this week, to be published in October. But first he talked about Spoiler…
We announced Joker War Zone last week, and I was thrilled they also released the variant cover which features Cassandra Cain donning a very familiar costume… There's ANOTHER classic character in the JWZ issue who people have been clamoring to appear in Joker War, who has a story in the book, but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to say who they are, yet… But I am very excited to bring this character into the larger Joker War experience.
As for the other fellow, that's Clownhunter and James had stuff to say there as well.
In addition to a big story featuring Bane, drawn by my other Gotham partner in crime, Guillem March… I'm writing a story for James Stokoe about Clownhunter, a mainline continuity story that digs deeper into who this strange new Gotham Vigilante is. It also introduces four of the most dangerous clowns working under Joker, and they're named Eenie, Meanie, Miney, and Moe. In the script, I described what we were trying to do with Clownhunter as "Kaneda's Gang from Akira meets Casey Jones meets Deadpool" and James just knocked it out of the park. I've got Orc Stain and Godzilla: The Hundred Year War in prime locations on my shelf, and I've deeply loved his work for years. The fact that I get to work with him is a dream come true. James is up for about a million Eisners this year, and I hope he wins all of them! And then you can nominate him again next year for his freaking awesome Clownhunter comics.
But he's clear that no one here has just one story. And James Tynion is going to be telling them for years.
What I am MOST excited about, is each of these stories leads to MORE stories. These are not going to be one and done flash in the pan characters. We have a rough sketch of a multi-year plan in play. We'll only get there with your support and help, but I've gotten rumblings on the sales of these upcoming Batman issues, and they've been putting a wide grin on my face. Heck, now the whole DC line is getting in on the fun of the character design covers we spearheaded with. I just outlined an oversized issue I'll be co-writing at the end of the year spinning out of the Batman run, and we've just got more fun coming your way.
And what about that Ghost-Maker fellow mentioned in the headline?
In interviews, I keep talking about Punchline and Clownhunter as the first two children of a new generation of Gotham City stories. Joker War sets the stage for this new era in a big, big way. We're trying to give you an experience every time you pick up the mainline Batman comic book that you can't get in any other medium. I wrote up a description of a poster for Gotham 2021 that I desperately hope we make, that aside from Batman, Harley, and a classic Bat-Villain, will feature all brand new characters, embodying the Gotham we're hoping to build for you… But we're not waiting until 2021 to start having fun with the new toys.
Next month, they'll solicit Batman #100, and THEN I can start talking about Ghost-Maker.
Tick tick tick…