Posted in: Comics, Image, Netflix | Tagged: image comics, jg jones, jorge jimenez, Mark Millar, millarworld, nemesis, netflix, pepe larraz, wanted
Mark Millar Image Comics Crossover Starts In Today's Nemesis Reloaded
Today's Nemesis Reloaded #5 by Mark Millar and Jorge Jimenez kicked off a big crossover with other Millarworld titles going back twenty years.
Today's Nemesis Reloaded #5 by Mark Millar and Jorge Jimenez revealed this new Nemesis's origins as a kind of reverse Batman. He'd already launched an all-out war against the police of his city. in previous issues.
But in Nemesis Reloaded #5, we learn his origins as a reverse Batman.
Whose parents were killed by the police. Arrested for murdering kids and then sentenced to death.
And it turns out they were innocent. Innocent as far as major league drug dealers go, anyway. Not the first time this has been done, both The Wrath and Prometheus have such origins, but those police killings weren't as deliberate as these. And in recent issues, there have been another couple of mysteries being laid out.
The first involves a missing President of The United States, President Gerald Marshall, who was in power between Carter and Reagan who no one remembers.
And who this Nemesis's mysterious mentor taught Nemesis all about before training him up. And then there's a second question, which got Mark Millar the chance to pretend that his Netflix one-series-then-cancelled Jupiter's Legacy got bigger billboards over Times Square than it did.
What will all the superhero films and TV shows? And what's the link to President Gerald Marshall from 1980 until 1981? And why was the White House in Crisis? Today, those answers are revealed as well, including what they are setting up.
With Ronald Reagan only having been elected in 1980 as Vice President before taking over from Marshall in 1981 with George Bush as the new Vice President and getting reelected in 1984. And the world having forgotten, which is rather familiar for those who have read Millar's oeuvre. Rather than just watching the films.
The superheroes who saved the day in Wanted, the first Millarworld book, drawn by JG Jones and published by Top Cow in 2003?
With Professor Solomon Seltzer explaining the way of the world to Wesley Gibson when he looked like Eminem?
That had all having been wiped out from everyone's collective memory. That story from Wanted #2 gets told again in Nemesis Reloaded #5, but not by Professor Solomon Seltzer.
And the superhero movies, TV shows, comics and T-Shirts are the public's way of dealing with that loss of memory. But Professor Solomon Seltzer did keep one souvenir.
After all, having a trophy on your desk is always fun.
And it turns out that it's still there in Nemesis Reloaded. Twenty years later.
Held in safekeeping by Nemesis' mentor, who tells the truth about the superheroes and the President, who never were.
Wesley Gibson all grown up, not looking like Eminem at all now. Or like James McAvoy. But slightly like his old dad.
And whoever remains of The Fraternity. Ahead of Big Game, the Millarworld crossover with Pepe Larraz that will include every Millarworld published title…
…except, it seems for The Unfunnies and War Heroes, which have yet to appear. But we do have the cover for the first time.
Big Game is the Wanted sequel that folk have been waiting twenty years for. Mixed up with Nemesis, as well as everything else. And some advanced artwork to go with the solicitations… could this see the world in which the superheroes come back?
(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Pepe Larraz
MINISERIES PREMIERE The comics event of the summer is here! Okay, this is so top secret we can't even show you the main cover because it spoils something MASSIVE. Just trust us when we say this will be the comic book event of 2023-and it's NOT what you're expecting. Does the crossover really go that wide? Yes, it does. BIG GAME pulls together KICK-ASS, KINGSMAN, NEMESIS, THE MAGIC ORDER, and ALL the Millarworld franchises in one special event. This must be ordered like CRAZY! In Shops: Jul 19, 2023 SRP: $4.99