Posted in: Comics, Current News, Marvel Comics | Tagged: magneto, marvel, x-men
Marvel Announces New Magneto Series For August
Magneto first appeared in 1963 in X-Men #1. Then he died. But for his sixtieth birthday, it looks like he is returning to Marvel.
UPDATE BELOW: Magneto first appeared in 1963 in X-Men #1. For his sixtieth birthday, it looks like he is returning to Marvel. In the X-Men comic books, Magneto recently died at the hands of Uranos, part of the Eternals invasion and massacre of the planet Arakko. Previously, Magneto had removed his "back up" memories from Cerebro, to be more aligned to the Rings of Arakko, and so could not be revived on his death. But, with the Fall Of X underway, it looks like that may be reversed for August, when Marvel Comics will publish a new Magneto #1.
Of course, that's just supposition. It could be one of the comic books set in a popular past period that Marvel Comics has been doing rather well with of late, such as Joe Fixit, Spider-Man: Lost Hunt or X-Treme X-Men. Could it even be the upcoming X-Men comic book from Chris Claremont that was promised at the end of X-Treme X-Men? Could be.
Magneto #1 will be published on the 2nd of August, 2023. The creative team and further creative details will be announced sometime in the next month. Probably.
UPDATE: Blimey that was fast. A real Rich Twitch. A new limited series set during Magneto's tenure as mentor to the New Mutants launches in August with the first appearance of Irae, a new character from Magneto's villainous early days, by J.M. DeMatteis and Todd Nauck.
When Magneto, fulfilling a promise to Professor X, took charge of the Xavier Institute in his friend's absence. Magneto's struggles and triumphs as teacher to the next generation of mutantkind made this a beloved era and a major turning point in the character's evolution. Now, experience a never-before-told saga filled with new truths about this fascinating time period including a dark secret from Magneto's villainous past that threatened to disrupt it!
Magneto burst onto the scene as the most diabolical of "Evil Mutants"! But when Professor X must leave the planet for life-saving treatment, Magneto inherits a new title: TEACHER! With the New Mutants under his tutelage, how will these young and powerful mutants learn to take orders from…a super villain?! And one who tried to KILL them and their predecessors?! There are two sides to every story, and this new tale that will show how Magneto Was Right…from a certain point of view. In fact, one mutant, known as Irae, in her first ever appearance, has taken Magneto's lessons to heart in a way that will upend even the Master of Magnetism's best strategies!
"Magneto may be the single most complex character in the Marvel Universe: a man of dizzying contradictions who has endured, and caused, extraordinary suffering. Who's been both villain and hero. Whose long, tangled history invites endless exploration," DeMatteis said. "Our new Magneto series allows us to look at all aspects of Erik Lehnsherr's soul and psyche—at a period when he was trying to put his life as a so-called 'evil' mutant behind him and step, somewhat reluctantly, into Charles Xavier's shoes, attempting to guide a new generation of mutants. We also get to look back at the early days of the X-Men—one of my favorite periods in Marvel history—and introduce a new villain, born in the cauldron of Magneto's dark past."
"I am very excited to return to draw an X-Men comic, especially this Magneto series," Nauck said. "When I started reading Marvel comics as a kid, Magneto had just taken over as headmaster of the Xavier School and overseeing the New Mutants. Our new Magneto series taps into that deep fandom for me. During the pandemic, I had done a reread of the 100 issue run of the original New Mutants series (plus spin-offs, specials, and annuals) for fun. So when I got the opportunity to join this Magneto creative team, I was more than ready to tackle art duties for this all-new Magneto/New Mutants adventure! Each New Mutant has such a distinct look and unique personality. Their friendship and camaraderie are so much fun to convey. And Magneto's struggle to fill Xavier's shoes and challenges he faces in trying to mentor these kids make for great dramatic and emotional moments to draw."
Written by J.M. DEMATTEIS
Art and Cover by TODD NAUCK
On Sale 8/2
Magneto was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby as an adversary of the X-Men, but was developed by Chris Claremont to be much more complex, modelled on Menachem Begin, Malcolm X and Meir Kahane, and eventually join the X-Men. Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender have portrayed Magneto in different ages in X-Men movies. I wonder what the mighty Marvel machine has planned for the man now?