DC Comics Absolute Event Planned for The End Of 2025... and might we get an Absolute Detective Chimp from Scott Snyder?
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8 Of The Marvel Legacy Titles' Primer Pages, Free On ComiXology – Avengers, Iceman, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Royals, X-Men Gold, Venom And Spirits Of Vengeance
The upcoming Marvel Legacy titles will each have an extra three page back-up strip written by Robbie Thompson and (mostly) drawn by Mark Bagley. But while they won't appear in the back of comics until next month, you can already read a batch of them, free on ComiXology. Just do a search for Marvel Legacy (as I did) and bingo… here in the US, here in the UK.
They contain Avengers, Iceman, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Royals, X-Men Gold, Venom and Spirits Of Vengeance. Might we get more in days/weeks to come?

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