Posted in: Comics | Tagged: entertainment, fcbd, free comic book day, manga, marvel, max ride, maximum ride, Yen Press
Marvel's Max Ride Preview Was Free Comic Book Deja Vu
Did anyone else get a bit of deja vu reading the All-New All-Different Avengers comic for Free Comic Book Day? Specifically the preview for Max Ride: First Flight.
Based on the Maximum Ride novels by James Patterson, it adapted the first opening scene from the first novel.
Which is slightly peculiar because seven years previously in 2008, Yen Press put its own adaptation of the Maximum Ride novels as comics, also as a debut for Free Comic Book Day. Where the same scene played out like this…
It's a demonstration of a difference in approach. Yen is all "show don't say", letting the visuals do the work while Marvel, "say don't show", filling the page with text, compressed to contrast with the flight scene.
Of course the Yen Press version showed you what happens next – and for a further twenty pages…
You know what dreams about flying are interpreted as, right
The Yen Press Maximum Ride version is still in print, with older collections going through a new printing right now, and the ninth volume scheduled for later this year.
Marvel have got quite a way to catch up….