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Matt Wagner's The Mage Comes To A Final Conclusion With an 8 Page Foldout
This may be one you will benefit from buying in print rather than digitally.
In February, Matt Wagner's decades-spanning comic book series The Mage comes to an end with Mage: The Hero Defined #15, thirty-five years after it first began.
And its final issue, out in February, will contain eight-page foldout section to conclude the tale across that timespan.
Mage tells the classic Hero's Journey as an allegory to Wagner's own life – his fictional alter-ego, Kevin Matchstick, confronting both supernatural enemies as well as his own humanity in his heroic role—a modern-day incarnation of the legendary Pendragon, wielder of the mystic weapon, Excalibur.
"Mage has been an utterly unique and rewarding experience for me," said Wagner. "I'd like to thank both my new and longtime readers, especially those dedicated fans who have stuck with Mage through the long gaps between the various books of the trilogy. Your continued interest and passion for this story have always served to inspire me. And I'd also like to thank the entire Image Comics crew in their unfailing support and enthusiasm for seeing this project through to completion."
Mage: The Hero Denied #15 by Wagner with colours by Brennan Wagner and letters by Dave Lanphear will be 56 pages long, including those eight folding out pages – and as a special oversized issue will cost $7.99.
Out on Wednesday, February 27th, it FOC's on Monday, February 4th.