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No, Todd McFarlane is Not at D23 For a Spawn/Spider-Man Crossover

When Todd McFarlane announced that he would be appearing at the D23 Expo in Anaheim, California, this weekend, quite a lot of people got excited. Todd McFarlane is returning to DC Comics for a Spawn/Batman crossover, with DC reprinting his previous crossover issues. So, for Spider-Man's 60th anniversary, could we be getting the long-wished-for Spider-Man/Spawn crossover? Especially with Marvel EIC C.B.Cebulski and Spider-Man editor Nick Lowe at the show handing out rare variants of Amazing Fantasy #1000? The answer came back no. No. No. Definitely no. I mean you should know rhis by now, it was in the headline and everything. No clickbait "Find Out If There's A Spawn/Spider-Man Crossover At D23" headline here. You should know me better than that.

No, Todd McFarlane Is Not At D23 For A Spawn/Spider-Man Crossover
Todd McFarlane Instagram screencap

He was there just to be the big guy of McFarlane Toys Booth, who are putting out dolls based on the Avatar movies, and signing prints of them. Alan Gill of Ultimate Comics was at the show and sent in these photos of the man at his booth with his Avatar toys.

No, Todd McFarlane Is Not At D23 For A Spawn/Spider-Man Crossover
Todd McFarlane  photo from Alan Gill of Ultimate Comics from D23

The Avatar print on sale with its signature.

No, Todd McFarlane Is Not At D23 For A Spawn/Spider-Man Crossover
Todd McFarlane  photo from Alan Gill of Ultimate Comics from D23

And the proof from Alan Gill of where he got it!

No, Todd McFarlane Is Not At D23 For A Spawn/Spider-Man Crossover
Todd McFarlane Photo from Alan Gill of Ultimate Comics from D23

Todd McFarlane doesn't do a lot of crossovers these days, he's never really felt the need. A cover for Crossover is pretty much as far as it is going to get these days. And he has actively turned down attempts for Marvel Comics to kick off a Spawn/Spider-Man crossover for years. However a third Spawn/Batman crossover was always on the cards, and Greg Capullo had been lined up to draw the book once. It looks like everyone's schedules, decades later, have finally aligned. Look for in in the next Previews/DC catalogues.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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