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NYCC'15 – The All New, All Different Marvel Panel In Full, From X-Men To SHIELD To Spider-Gwen (VISUAL UPDATE)
By Joe Glass
Marvel are hosting one of the first panels of the Saturday at NYCC, and the room is packed.
With a panel consisting of Marvel EiC Axel Alonso, Marvel senior editor Nick Lowe and editor Katie Kubert, and Jason Latour, Dennis Hopeless, Robbie Thompson, Tom Taylor and David Walker.
Lowe jokes that after Secret Wars, and during really, and starts off with Black Panther, and Alonso discusses how Marvel started a dialogue with Ta-Nehisi Coates to come and write it. Alonso says it will really be doing Black Panther right.
Lowe calls up a Spider-Gwen cosplayer to read Spider-Gwen 1 out next week on the stage.
Extraordinary X-Men is next, Lowe assures incredible plans, and Alonso assures they are not cancelling X-Men. Extraordinary is the core book, Alonso says we learn early on that mutants are imperilled by Terrigen Mists, and results in conflicting goals.
All New Wolverine is next, which Taylor says she is trying something different and is trying not kill, and promises a lot of surprises in the book.
All New X-Men is next, issue 4 sees the return of the Blob. Hopeless goes through the team a bit, and says about having a team of kids in an awful environment for mutants that is the ANAD MU, it will be kind of a road trip story and plenty of teen angst.
Power Man and Iron Fist is up next which gets a loud applause. Walker says it's everybody's favorite duo being a duo again for the first time in 30 years. It's a lot of the classic styled adventures, and the book is about their friendship. It's about the evolution of that relationship and where they are in their lives now.
Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. is up next, Kubert says it's a cool team with unique abilities, and the title exists in the weirder side of the MU, Kubert says an excuse for her to put monsters and things in a Marvel book.
Venom: Space Knight now, Thompson jokes he'd have murdered everyone to write this book, so is super-excited about it. This is a second-chance for Flash Thompson and the symbiote.
Spider-Gwen and the crowd goes wild, and Latour says the first story arc is directly related to the night Peter Parker died, and the series will go back and run with things touched on in the first run. There is a blanked out character in one of the pages shown, which is a secret character revealed in issue one….looks like a female Captain America to me, as appears to be holding a shield.
Spider-Woman is up now. Jessica Drew is wanting to try and have a real life, but she'll soon be finding out real life isn't easy. Great party scene page is shown with a real who's who of the ANAD MU.
Moving onto Silk, Thompson talks about how the character has broke bad, and her reasons will be revealed in issue one. It's very much of a personal and emotion focused story.
Big announcement – starting in April, a crossover Spider-Women, featuring the women of Spider-Universe visiting Spider-Gwen in her own universe. This will be post Jessica Drew giving birth to twins. Spider-Gwen cosplayer then tells us the new issue one is fantastic.
Now time for a Q&A, as a Ms. Marvel cosplayer reads the new issue one of Ms. Marvel.
Lowe says we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of X-announcements, and there are fans amongst the creators of Quentin Quire.
Alonso talks about how sometimes big character changes for more diversity actually starts from the creators, and other times it may be a summit get-together with editors and creators working it out.
Someone asks about Julia Carpenter and Anya Corazon, Dan Slott has plans for Carpenter, and Anya is in Web Warriors.
Young Iceman's sexuality is a big part of the opening several arcs of All New X-Men.
Any more info on the elderly characters? Lowe does seem to suggest there are plans for Old Man Logan not announced yet, and there are plans for Cable…and huge plans for Steve Rogers.
The main three symbiotes that are being dealt with are Venom, Carnage and Toxin, but you will see a lot more symbiotes in Venom: Space Knight, including new symbiotes.
Any ANAD anthology series for lesser known characters? No plans for that right now, but Lowe does bring up the Weirdworld books. Alonso does say it's an exciting time in comics right now, as things they do now which do well wouldn't have worked years ago.
It won't be addressed right off the bat who the father of Jess' child is in Spider-Woman.
An X-Men fan talks about being really scared about what is happening with the X-Universe side of Marvel's plans, Lowe agrees what we know so far is scary but points out that everyone on the stage are big X-Men fans, and assures anything about lowering X-Men's visibility is justa rumor. Again points out that what has been revealed is just the tip of the iceberg, and the X-Men are going nowhere, and they all love the X-Men.
Any plans for Avengers Arena characters or a follow up, Hopeless says he'd happily use those characters again, and Lowe says that various of those characters are popping up in various places.
Ganke is confirmed as returning in the new Miles Morales Spider-Man book, along with Miles' dad and Bombshell.
Gambit is showing up somewhere but not in an X-Men book, and it is a major role.
How hard is it to fight the pressure of returning back to the status quo, with the IPs appearing in other media? Alonso says not hard….the studios follow them, not vice-versa. Marvel does what Marvel does.
To a fan who pointed out Luke Cage is seen in a suit in released art, Walker says his new job is being a husband and a father, and points out how the character has matured over time, and that obviously will affect his relationship with Iron Fist, and that is the main focus. Alonso talks about how that is what is cool about the new book, it's like that old friend you haven't spent as much time with anymore, and wanting to still be doing the same things but having new responsibilities and changes to their lives. The book is all about friendship.
Anything about Robbie Reyes? Alonso says we will definitely be seeing more of Robbie Reyes.
Any plans for Cammi the Destroyer? Yes, we will be seeing her again.
There is a big focus on Rogue in Uncanny Avengers, and things have never been easy for her, but she is a strong character. Lowe says it's an incredible iteration of Rogue.
Any plans for Cloak & Dagger – Lowe says there are some big Cloak & Dagger stuff coming, in around January/February.
When asked about a She-Hulk solo book, we are told to keep our eyes and ears open.
Joe Glass is a Bleeding Cool reporter and comics creator, writing LGBTQ superhero team The Pride, and co-writing Welsh horror comedy series, Stiffs.