Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dc comics, diamond, distributor wars
Oops – a Few DC Comics Through Diamond Will Be Delayed Further
A few more DC Comics titles will be delayed to comic book stores through Diamond Comic Distributors due to printer problems.
Diamond Comic Distributors shut their doors to new comic book product at the end of March. DC Comics looked to their two biggest comic store customers, DCBS and Midtown Comics to create two new distributors to ship DC Comics titles across the USA – and a little bit of Canada. It all got a little crazy. But next week was meant to be the return of Diamond Comic Distributors in force to those comic stores able to be open. Marvel Comics were still holding fire until the week after, but the DC titles that had already shipped to stores were meant to be coming in next week with a few more to boot.
However, DC Comics has now informed comic book retailers that those who are ordering from Diamond will be getting their comic books even later than with UCS Comic Distributors and Lunar Distribution. In a letter they state;
"Due to a transportation issue from our printer to Diamond, the following books scheduled for May 19 on-sale were delayed in arrival at Diamond's warehouse. Fulfillment of orders from Diamond for these titles will be delayed one week. They will arrive in your stores with books scheduled for release May 26"
- Batman & the Outsiders #12
- DC Super Stars #17 Facsimile Edition
- Hawkman #23
- House of Whispers #20
- Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #4
- The Flash #753
- The Green Lantern Season Two #3
- Wonder Woman #755
- Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3 (third printing)
- Flash Giant #4
These appear to be the newly printed comics rather than those that have been sitting at Diamond for some time. Which means the DC Comics titles that are actually coming through for next week through Diamond will be,
- Absolute Daytripper HC, $99.99
- Adventures Of Superman By George Perez HC, $49.99
- Anti/Hero TP, $9.99
- Batman #89 (Tony S. Daniel 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
- Batman Detective Comics Volume 3 Greetings From Gotham HC, $24.99
- Batman Giant #4, $4.99
- Batman Last Knight On Earth HC, $29.99
- Batman Superman Volume 1 Who Are The Secret Six HC, $24.99
- Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III TP, $24.99
- Batman Volume 12 City Of Bane Part One HC, $24.99
- Daphne Byrne #4 (Of 6)
- DC First Issue Special HC, $39.99
- DC Poster Portfolio The Complete Year Of The Villain Portrait Variants TP, $24.99
- DCeased Unkillables #3 (Of 3)
- Dollhouse Family #6 (Of 6)
- Dreaming #20, $3.99
- Ex Machina Compendium Volume 1 TP, $59.99
- Famous First Edition New Fun #1 HC, $19.99
- Flash By Mark Waid Volume 7 TP, $39.99
- Freedom Fighters Rise Of A Nation TP, $24.99
- Gotham High TP, $16.99
- Green Arrow Year One The Deluxe Edition HC, $39.99
- Green Lantern By Geoff Johns Volume 3 TP, $39.99
- Harley Quinn #72
- Harley Quinn And Poison Ivy HC, $24.99
- Hellblazer By Garth Ennis Omnibus HC, $150.00
- Justice League #44
- Justice League Dark Volume 3 The Witching War TP, $16.99
- Justice League Odyssey #20
- Justice League Of America A Celebration Of 60 Years HC, $29.99
- Lois Lane #10 (Of 12)
- Lost Carnival A Dick Grayson Graphic Novel GN, $16.99
- Metal Men #6 (Of 12)
- My Video Game Ate My Homework TP, $9.99
- New Gods By Gerry Conway HC, $49.99
- Nightwing #70 (Mike Perkins 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
- Nightwing Volume 1 The Gray Son Legacy TP, $19.99
- Omega Men By Tom King Deluxe Edition HC, $49.99
- Plunge #3 (Of 6)
- Red Hood Outlaw #45
- Robin The Bronze Age Omnibus HC, $125
- Shazam The World's Mightiest Mortal Volume 2 HC, $49.99
- Stargirl By Geoff Johns TP, $34.99
- Superman Action Comics Volume 2 Leviathan Rising TP, $17.99
- Superman Action Comics Volume 3 Leviathan Hunt HC, $24.99
- Superman Smashes The Klan TP, $16.99
- Superman The Golden Age Volume 5 TP, $39.99
- Superman Up In The Sky HC, $24.99
- Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #10 (Of 12)
- Swamp Thing By Nancy A. Collins Omnibus HC, $125
- Tales Of The Batman Steven Englehart HC, $49.99
- Teen Titans Go Box Set Volume 2, $34.99
- Teen Titans Volume 3 Seek And Destroy TP, $19.99
- Transmetropolitan Volume 3 TP, $29.99
- Weird Western Tales Jonah Hex Volume 1 HC, $75.00
- Wonder Woman And The Justice League Dark The Witching Hour TP, $16.99
- Wonder Woman Volume 2 Love Is A Battlefield HC, $24.99
- World's Finest Guardians Of The Earth HC, $59.99
- Young Justice Volume 1 Gemworld TP, $17.99