Comics Archives

Strip Magazine Lands Hookjaw
Hookjaw was a shark-based strip that appeared in the eventually-banned British boys comics Action, a precursor to 2000AD. Now the Bosnian-now-UK-based
How DC Comics Killed Wildstorm
In 1998 DC Comics bought Wildstorm. It was generally agreed they wanted it for three things. The colourists. Jim Lee. And Alan Moore. As a result, they
The Phone Just Rings….
The DC Comics office phone just rings and rings and rings... eventually going to a "Please Hang Up" voice. Three times now. Even the receptionists must be
Forty-Five Minutes To Go?
Just as Bleeding Cool posted yesterday, today certain New York folk seem to be tagging DC's Big Announcement To Move West as happening today. But,
Marvel Heads Uptown. A Bit.
The Commercial Observer cheekily uses a DC line to reveal that Marvel Comics is upping sticks and moving everyone to a new building. Not, as some have
Amazon Scott Pilgrim Blowout
The movie has been and gone. The books have topped the best seller list. But Amazon still have a few too many. It's time, it seems, for the big Scott