Bleeding Cool told you that, replacing Brian Bendis and Superman and Action Comics would be another singular writer, and so it has come to pass. That creator, no, not Mark Waid, is Phillip Kennedy Johnson.
It looks like he will be setting up a new Superman event for DC Comics during the summer, and we have the first official word that some Future State stories will be continuing with a Midnighter back-up strip by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad and Michael Avon Oeming.
Credit: DC Comics
Writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson (The Last God, Future State: Superman: Worlds of War) flies from DC's Future State event in January and February back to the present DCU in March to join artists Phil Hester and Eric Gapstur for a two-part story that spans both Superman and Action Comics!
"I can't begin to describe what an honor it is to be writing Superman and Action Comics," said Johnson, "especially following one of my industry heroes, Brian Michael Bendis. One of my very earliest memories is the thrill I felt watching the Christopher Reeve Superman films for the first time. My goal for every issue will be to give readers that same physical reaction, and the same lofty aspirations that Superman inspires: the desire to be better than we are, and to do more than the world thinks we can do."
Credit: DC Comics
In "The Golden Age" part one on March 9 (Superman #29), Jonathan Kent is back from the 31st Century and fighting cosmic threats alongside his legendary father. But when an interdimensional breach opens near Earth, Jon recognizes the creatures that emerge: the cosmic leviathans that the Legion of Superheroes credit with the DEATH OF SUPERMAN!
And in the new backup series "Tales of Metropolis" story in the same issue, writer Sean Lewis (DC Future State: Superman of Metropolis) and artist Sami Basri (Harley Quinn) follow Jimmy Olsen on a quest to meet of some of the city's more colorful denizens, beginning with Bibbo Bibbowski!
Then in "The Golden Age" part two on March 24 (Action Comics #1029), as Superboy desperately tries to save Superman's life from the leviathans of the Breach, Superman discovers the Breach's shocking origins. But with his powers mysteriously fading, he is utterly outmatched. Can Superboy change the course of history and save his father's life? Don't miss this prelude to DC's MASSIVE Superman event!
Credit: DC Comics
Plus, in another all-new backup "Tale of Metropolis" story, writers Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad (Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman) join forces with Michael Avon Oeming to continue the Midnighter story that Cloonan and Conrad started in DC Future State. But is the DC Universe ready for Trojan Industries?
In the months following "The Golden Age" two-part crossover, Phillip Kennedy Johnson will continue writing both Superman and Action Comics with artists Scott Godlewski (on Superman) and Daniel Sampere (on Action Comics) before reuniting with Future State: Superman: Worlds of War co-creator Mikel Janín on a special Superman project—still to be announced!
"The work I'm doing now with Phil Hester, Scott Godlewski, and Daniel Sampere is already some of my favorite of my career," continued Johnson. "All three are wizards on the page, and the massive event that we're building up to in Action Comics is a considerably bigger swing than I ever expected to get in comics. It's no exaggeration to say it will change Superman's status quo forever and have a lasting impact across the entire DC Universe. The already iconic Future State: Superman: Worlds of War artwork that you've seen from Mikel Janín in recent months is just the tip of the iceberg of what he and I have planned together. Stay tuned, you will NOT want to miss what's coming."
Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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