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This Punisher Didn't Set Fire To Ants When He Was A Kid (Spoilers)

As Bleeding Cool promised, the new Punisher series by Jason Aaron and Jesus Saiz, is doing a Punisher; Born Again.  Issue 1 saw him established as the new leader of the ninja assassin group The Hand after they brought his wife back to life. Issue 2 looked at his history as a troubled child, and a realisation that The Hand had been watching and puppeting Frank Castle since he was a young boy. And issue 3 promises "The secret lies in a story from his past that he's never revealed to anyone: the story of Frank's first kill."

Frank Castle's First Kill Way Earlier Than Thought - Punisher Gossip

And it was a lot earlier than anyone thought. And what he wears on the cover is what he is wearing when he does the deed.  The Punisher really does love Captain America.

Marvel Comics

"Frank's first sacrament" is long before the Vietnam/Sin-Cong war, When Frank was still a kid. A young kid at that. And saw things that no kid should see.
Marvel Comics

And also saw that no one did anything about what he – or they – saw. A silence that was deafening in his head. And there was only one way to quiet it.

Marvel Comics

And only one thing to wear when doing it. He is the hero after all, right?

Marvel Comics

I love the smell of the Punisher in the morning. You can find all sorts of chemical recipes on the internet, especially when you have access to a school science laboratory. Has no one seen Breaking Bad?

Marvel Comics

This may be a story about abusive lifestyles affecting young minds, and our responsibility to our children to create as just a world as possible when they are young, as well as the horrible circumstances that people find themselves is, as well as the extreme discomfort we undergo when children kill, but that is also a hell of a cool image. That's the problem with the Punisher. He is a psychopathic, damaged, self-justified serial killer, but he is also very cool too.

(W) Jason Aaron (A) Paul Azaceta (A/CA) Jesus Saiz
To finish his war once and for all, Frank Castle is molding the ninjas of the Hand into his own army of unstoppable killers, by teaching them the Way of the Punisher. The secret lies in a story from his past that he's never revealed to anyone: the story of Frank's first kill.
PARENTAL ADVISORYIn Shops: May 25, 2022
SRP: $4.99

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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