James Serafino sells the rights to his first comic, Time Traveling Dinosaurs, to Chronicle Books, for publication in 2028.
Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: beyonce, howard marks, lady gaga, lindsay lohan, Pat Mills
2000AD's Pat Mills Writes Lady Gaga, Paris Hilton, Pippa Middleton, Beyonce, Gary Barlow, Cheryl Cole, Lindsay Lohan And Justin Bieber Comics
To launch Playstation 3's inFAMOUS 2, Judge Dredd co-creator Pat Mills has writted a series of comic strips about the tabloid headline grabbers, edited by drugs evangelist Howard Marks.
Beyonce – Bootylicious Trouble is drawn by Barnaby Richards, Cheryl Cole – Bad Hair Day by Ellen Lindner, Gary Barlow – Nearly Naughty by Mustashrik, Justin Bieber – Animal Saviour by Luke Pearson, Pippa Middleton – Empire Building by Kate Brown, Lady Gaga – Down With The Kids by JAKe and Lindsay Lohan – Reformed Character by Fay Dalton.
Here are a few examples…

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