Posted in: Comic Show, Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: animal man, Comics, daredevil, entertainment, Harbinger, harley quinn, nemo, saga, zero
A Comic Show – Daredevil's Going Back To Cali!
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes:
Hey Fandom! I'm back the morning after Saint Patrick's Day with more New Comics Now!
First up I tell everyone how much I loved Waid's ANMN Daredevil #1! Sure, this could have just continued the numbering from the last issue, but it is a fresh start for hornhead in California and a great jump on point for new readers. If you were curious about how Mark Waid somehow made Matt Murdock fun, pick this one up! Iron Man is the first part of the new Mandarin arc that's part Blackest Night and part Lord of the Rings. Marvel's promoting it with Iron Man masks that finer shop's will give out during parties. Well will be giving them out in our geek Easy bar to anyone who picks up the issue. And Ms. Marvel #2 continued the well executed inclusion of a new Muslim female hero to the Marvel Universe.
Over at DC I loved the final issue of Animal Man and the Goodnight Moon/Goodnight Animal Man children's books story that Lemire both wrote and drew. Jeff's first volume of Green Arrow is out now too. Forget the first three books, and shoot straight for this target! Oh, and that Harley Quinn book is out again. This one is doing just fine without my help our yours, but if you love Harley and have been disappointed by her New 52 appearances, give this a shot. The dark humored whimsy is back.
Scott Snyder's American Vampire started it's second volume, but it's a first issue you can grab and enjoy without reading the first. The story arcs jump around in time anyway, so jump in here if you like Snyder's other work. If you love it, there's several collections ready for you. Our Harbinger Bleeding Monk #0 comes with a red rum Bleeding Monk shot (if you're 21 or older), Saga volume 3 is here, as is Sex Criminals #5, and our buddy Ales Kot's Zero #6. Finally, the Original Writer, Alan Moore's second Nemo volume is out and it's only 10 pounds in the UK!