Dave Cowen is a left-wing writer, Gabriel Wexler, a right-wing artist. Together, they have created a new graphic novel, Should We Buy A Gun?
Posted in: Comic Show, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, judge dredd, london, marvelman, miracleman, riots, uk, v for vendetta
And Finally… Apathy In The UK
You know there's been a lot of fuss in the news (and especially the American news it seems) about riots in England.
Truth is, it hasn't affected 99% of people.
Most cities have seen no trouble at all.
And even where there have been problems, it's been localised to certain areas and streets.
That's not to downplay the experience of those caught in the troubles.
But from some accounts, England resembles scenes from Miracleman #15…
That it needs a little…
And it will all end in
Truth? Everything's fine, pretty much. It's all rather…

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