Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: blu planet comics, Comics, entertainment, reddit
Blu Planet Comics Vs Reddit
This was the original post on Reddit. From a Wizards Of The Coast buyer who seemed to have a problem with a mail order from Blu Planet Comics of New York.
I don't like to put small businesses on blast but I feel I need to here. On 1/28 I set up a deal with Blu Planet Comics to buy 1 booster case of BNG and 1 case of RTR for $1000 shipped to my house (I host games at odd hours as most of my friends have kids/crazy schedules).
I've been getting the run-around for the past few weeks — I expected some delay as they were hosting a pre-release that weekennd, and I said it was no rush.
Things really broke down this week when they stopped returning my emails and my phone calls – I called from a blocked number today and the owner picked up. He gave me excuse after excuse, vague answers, and said that he will "update" me in a few days.
Really there shouldn't be anything to update – 2 cases for a store that runs regular FNM should not have a 1 month delay to ship.
I finally put in a dispute with my credit card company today.
If anyone at WotC reads this I would greatly appreciate some help. $1000 is a lot of money for my friends and I and I just want a refund and to move on with my life.
I usually try to buy from small LGS places as I try to support them but experiences like this one will make me buy from major internet vendors from now on.
What like Mother's Basement? And, because this is Reddit, it grew and grew. Blu Planet, rather than refunding and apologising went on the attack. Now deleted, Reddit users did some screengrabs of what came next.
Whatever the behaviour of the original complainant and the online mass that the original post had raised, this probbaly wasn't the way to go. And the "first post on Reddit" seemed to betray that. Especially when he started replying to those who backed up the original complainant.
"Fucking dickshit", "cuntwagon", "dick dribble", these are probably not the usual terms retailers use towards their customers in a public venue. Then Blue Planet posted to their Facebook page, naming the poster and his personal details (removed here)
And there were these text messages posted by the complainant (we have removed Blu Planet's phone number.)
So, amongst the insults, this was the deal. If the original poster would remove his original post (instnatly deleting all that came after it on that Reddit thread from easy view) then Blue Panet would refund him. But not before. Planet deleted their previous comments and their Facebook page (also receiving a hammering) and posted the following.
Thank you for your shift in attitude. Honestly though I want nothing more to do with you or your store. Your choice of words was disrespectful to me, to this community, and to the MTG community. You should be ashamed of yourself.
As I said, more than 24 hours ago. JUST GIVE ME A REFUND. As of yet, you still have not given me a refund. That's all I want. Simple. This could be over in 10 seconds..go to paypal, issue refund, and you are DONE.
Until you do that I will continue to view you as a scammer.
We're left with a customer who may not have realised the human trauma a comic store owner was going through, but also one that was refusing to respond to such consumers. And who when was called out publicly, went on the attack. From whatever perspective you choose to look at it, it wasn't their finest hour…