Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: captain america, Comics, doonesbury
Boxing Day Runaround
CrazeWatch: The Telegraph has a rather removed description of a manga museum in Japan.
Kyoto International Manga Museum, Karasuma-Oike (75 254 7414;; £3.70). Two floors dedicated to this odd subculture/craze, with explanations of manga history and thousands of comics to read.
JobWatch: Memphis Tennessee welcomes new jobs at Diamond as the Los Angeles warehouse closes.
"We're moving everything to Olive Branch," said Diamond Comics spokeswoman Leslie Jackson. "We'll also be hiring. There will be more responsibilities in Olive Branch."
Diamond Comics will be evaluating what jobs will be transferred from its Los Angeles operations and then determine how many jobs will be available for existing locals, Jackson said.
DraculetteWatch: North Carolina comics creator Christopher Howard Wolf gets local press for retelling the Dracula story recasting evryone as young women. Obviously.
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Even More of 2010's Best Female Comic Creators
Amanda Conner has been a powerhouse of a cartoonist for a long time now, and as far as I'm concerned, one of the best cartoonists around – male or female, mainstream or indie.
Skrulls & Kree Invading Marvel Movies?
"'The Avengers" script will blend 'Iron Man', 'Thor', and 'Captain America: The First Avenger' story lines as the Avengers battle with two alien races, the Skrulls and the Kree."
The Holiday's Doonesbury Strip Controversy
"Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau has some explaining to do about why he hates God, and why he has to hate God in public on Christmas." – Tim Graham
Captain America in Veronica magazine
Set pics and story from Dutch magazine.
The Hostess Page — Every Marvel/DC Hostess Ad Ever
This continued for five insane years. Five years of amazing super beings tossing food to madmen