Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: andy diggle, comcis, jock, judge dredd megazine, snapshot
Diggle And Jock's Snapshot To Hit Next Month
March 1st is, apparently, Creator Owned Day. In which artists are challenged to create a new character and post it on Twitter with the #CreatorOwnedDay hashtag. More here. I'll be having a go myself.
Well, to celebrate that, here's news of Andy Diggle and Jock's Snapshot comic book announced at last year's Kapow.
As planned, it will run first in Judge Dredd Megazine instead, ten pages a month, in the slot previously filled by Mills and Lengley's American Reaper and Si Spurrier and PJ Holden's Numbercruncher. But I'd look to Image to collect them in American-sized chunks at a later date. Here's the pitch;
Jake is an easygoing San Francisco slacker, living in a benign fantasy world of comic-books and video-games.
One morning, as Jake is riding his pushbike through Golden Gate Park to work, he spots a state-of-the-art smartphone lying in the grass. Sticking it in his backpack, Jake rides to the comic-book store where he works and flips through the photos stored on it. Photos of a murder victim. Then the phone begins to ring…
The first chapter will appear in Megazine issue 322, 28th March in the UK, 11th April in the US, and it is Diggle and Jock's first creator owned work together.