Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, killraven, marvel, MVL, rob liefeld, robert kirkman, tom brevoort
Fanboy Rampage: A Liefeld, Brevoort, Kirkman Sandwich
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool mentioned the Deadpool/X-Force book that Rob Liefeld is drawing. And the mention that Killraven by Liefeld and Kirkman for Marvel remains unpublished. Liefeld continued tweeting;
Rob: This is common practice in the comics business. I completed pencils on 5 Killraven issues over 2 years ago. Fact. Issues 1 & 2 colored 2008. By not soliciting Killraven for 4 years, sales automatically dropped by virtue of the market falling. Would have launched at 50k, now 30?? Anyone remember Ultimate X, Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum and their months long delays? Yes, they knowingly solicited product that was not done. So go figure why Killraven was not solicited for years? Different rules, different standards for different talent.
Time for Marvel Senior Vice Publisher and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort to pitch in;
Tom: Yeah, but Rob, we don't have it all from you and the colorist. Hard to schedule and ship books without all of the pages!
Rob: Complete bullshit it's common practice for you guys to solicit books that aren't ready.
Tom: Jeez, really, Rob? Let's hear some complete bullshit. Lie and tell all these people that we've got all of the pages from you.
Rob: And you solicit books with no artists at all, artist to be determined later…
Tom: You put all of the colored pages into our hands and I'll publish them, how about that?
Rob: 5 issues fully penciled and paid for @TomBrevoort how many series are fully pencilled in the drawer at the HOI? That is not your criteria for any of your other titles @TomBrevoortmore bullshit. Are there 5 colored issues of all your new books? So Marvel needs 5 issues fully colored in order to solicit comics?? Bwaaahahahahahaha!!! Anyone know if Silvestri's Hulk has been solicited???? Those 2 issues are not INKED much less colored!!
Time for Robert Kirkman, writer of Killraven, and a little thing called The Walking Dead to add his tuppence, addressing Tom;
Robert: You're an honorable guy & I like you. Rob is just establishing a double standard. Maybe not in the best forum, but he's right. Many other books get solicited with much less in hand. We all know that's true. Also, why are we doing this in public? What would Disney say?! Think of the mouse!
Fanboy Rampage was a blog by Graeme McMillan dedicated to the funniest, most ludicrous and most inappropriate comic book back-and-forths online. McMillan has moved on now, becoming a proper journalist for the likes of Newsarama and Spinoff but he gave permission to Bleeding Cool to revive his great creation. Feel free to contribute your own spots of online excess.