Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, dc, green lantern, relaunch
Green Lantern #67 Sets Up The DC Relaunch Green Lantern #1 (SPOILERS)
It was the realisation a couple of months ago that War Of The Green Lanterns was less about plot, character and dialogue, but pretty pictures – and how that wasn't a bad thing – that made me warm much more to Green Lantern of late. I was able to treat it in the manner of Lord Of The Rings, Alice In Wonderland and Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy – in the way that those books concentrate on words, cadence and language, while everything else is secondary, so War Of The Green Lanterns is about colour and light, and the plot is an excuse to get different bright beams or dark pools to twist around each other, through each other, and mix. It's a firework display, it's a light show and the reader is left to "ooh" and "aah" as it reaches its final conclusion.
But then there's the ending. Spoilers on folks, because this is where it gets interesting in terms of the relaunch. Highlight the following text if you still need another reason to buy Green Lantern #67. Or, you know, just read it, for a more colourful version.
Hal Jordan kills Krona. Sinestro gains a Green Lantern ring again. And Hal is banished, ringless, to Earth, standing on a desolate roadside in his flying jacket.
That mysterious cover image for Green Lantern #1? Showing the fist with the green ring? Odds are when we actually see the full cover, it will be (SPOILERS) Sinestro's fist…..
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics of London. Check out their Grant Morrison podcast interview here.