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Horror, Netflix, Kirby, Omnibuses And More From Marvel For 2015
With the release of the Hachette Books distributor catalogue (embedded below) there are plenty more Marvel plans for 2015 available to see. We've talked about Deadpool Vs Thanos, Secret Wars and Star Wars but that's just the start.
Marvel increase their Netflix-related books with titles aimed at viewers of AKA Jessica Jones and the twelve issue Luke Cage series written by Marcus McLaren. An indication of how that series might look? And, to match the Agents Of SHIELD and Daredevil books, a look behind the shooting of the AKA Jessica Jones Netflix series.
And why now for the return and promotion Fallen Son, the Death Of Captain America? An indication for what might happen at the end of the Captain America: Civil War movie?
And with Nextwave seemingly returning in Captain America & The Mighty Avengers, what better time to put this book back into print?
John Rhett Jones writes The Legacy Of Jack Kirby, now that the lawsuits have been settled.
Marvel collects classic horror titles in time for Hallowe'en… as well as Greenberg The Vampire we mentioned previously.
We get an Infinity War Aftermath, ahead of the Avengers: Infinity War movies.
And some big SHIELD collections too, both in paperback and hardback, collecting classic SHIELD stories.
An omnibus was of getting a bunch of disparate stories featuring characters who would one day be in Guardians Of The Galaxy together…
And a second omnibus for Kurt Busiek and George Perez' Avengers…
And a second collection for Priest's run on Black Panther, including the Deadpool Cat's Cradle crossover.
Then we have Epic collections for Incredible Hulk : Ghosts of the Past, X-Men: The Gift, Moon Knight: Shadows of the Moon, Silver Surfer: Freedom, Wolverine: The Dying Game, Daredevil: Widow's Kiss, Marvel Masterworks for Spider-Woman, Amazing Spider-Man, Daredevil and Defenders… yeah, going to see a lot of Defenders-related stuff around these parts too.
And a collection of anti-bullying Marvel material, including all those covers…
Here's the full catalogue, what else can you find?