Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, ebay, entertainment, fcbd, free comic book day
Speculators Corner: Free Comic Book Day 2014
It is clearly a terrible thing that comics intended to be given away free are being snapped up and flipped on eBay by speculators in order to turn a quick buck from what was an outreach program to increase the amount of comic book readers for this struggling medium.
So now that we've got that over with.
Here are some reported sales on eBay in the last couple of days. More than any other year there is an instant after market for these comics. With many stores limiting the number of comics people can take, and Mouse Guard being allocated, collectors who really want them have to go through other channels – and are prepared to pay. The complete 60 set has sold for around $50, but individually they can cost a lot more.
Valiant Armor Hunters
Steam Wars
V Wars
Futures End
Guardians Of The Galaxy
Spongebob Squarepants
Les Miserables
Ipso Facto
Kaboom Summer Blast
Archie Digest
Atomic Robo
Raising A Reader
Grimm Fairy Tales
Hello Kitty
Rocket Raccoon (signed $20)
Valiant Universe
Donald Duck
Transformers Vs GI Joe #0
Epic #0
Street Fighter
Bartman Button
New Worlds Of Aspen
The Tick
Sonic The Hedgehog
Bongo Free For All
All You Need Is Kill
Project Black Sky
Avatar: The Last Air Bender
Zombie Tramp
Sherwood Texas
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Hip Hop Family Tree
Mouse Guard
Red Giant Bundle
Heroclix Batman
Skottie Young Shirt