Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, dez skinn, doctor who, john byrne
Sunday Runaround – The Anger Of John Byrne
CosplayWatch: Photo by Patrick King, from Wizard World Austin. Brilliant.
EmotionWatch: The anger of John Byrne;
"I realize that what I am about to write will unleash a torrent of comments across the 'Net from those microbrains who are able to "think" only when someone tells them what to say — ie, when someone like me says "I don't like this. . . " do they race to use/do/say "this" as much and as often as they can, but. . .
I'm really tired of seeing myself referred to as "bitter". Let's get this really clear and straight in all our minds (no matter how tiny and useless some of those minds may be): I am not bitter. I am ANGRY."
MadWatch: Joe Madueira talks BattleChasers collection.
I'm totally excited about the release of the Hardcover. Over the years I'd always hear from fans that had trouble locating some of the issues. This is the first time it's all been collected into one volume. We'll see what kind of reception it gets. I'd love to do something with the characters again someday, but it's a long way off. I have creative-ADD, too much stuff lined up before then!
CreditWatch: The Titan Magazine newstand comic Batman Legends in the UK has been repeating Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart's Batman And Robin story set in London. But whichever PR person who organised the press coverage managed to forget that Cameron existed. And he's noticed!
VWatch: A student hacks the campus-wide video channel on November the 5th.
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Capcom counting on 2M sales for Marvel v Capcom 3
Capcom has high hopes for two major titles lined up for the second half of its fiscal year. The company expects the Japanese release of Monster Hunter Freedom 3 on PSP to move a whopping 3.6 million units which, given the portable series' sales history, isn't unreasonable. Capcom also expects to move 2 million units worldwide with the release of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in Spring 2011.
Kev (O'Neill) did all the work on the magazine, I simply looked after the printing and distribution, so that left me plenty of spare time to continue work on another title I'd started under the Penwith banner the year before… Warrior.