Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Alan Moore, before watchmen, Dave Gibbons, karen berger, Watchmen
Friday Trending Topics: The Three Sequels Watchmen Didn't Have
An utterly fascinating account of some DC editorial history caps off the week: "Shortly after the completion of the Watchmen series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, DC's main editors went on retreat. The retreatees included Karen Berger, Mike Gold, Denny O'Neil, Mike Carlin, and Andy Helfer. The brain trust returned with three "sequels" to Watchmen." — A quote from Comics Between The Panels, which is expanded upon in interesting detail today.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
We present, for your viewing enjoyment, a selection of photos taken at Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo 2012!
The Return Of Pandora To The DCU | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors
And now, with the Second Wave shipping, she's back, appearing in the background of World's Finest, Dial H and GI Combat. Not in Earth 2 however, well, that is completely set in a different dimension. I expect to see her in Ravagers #1 and Batman Inc #1 as well.
Before Watchmen, Nineteen Eighties Style | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors
In the book Comics: Between The Panels by Mike Richardson and Steve Duin, they tell a number of comic book industry stories over the decades. Including comics that never made it to print. Such as an earlier stab by DC Comics at something like Before Watchmen.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
Some of the shots in the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer are particularly interesting. Some of them will be especially so when you get to see them in 3D.
Rolling out in cinemas with The Avengers is this new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man.
Best Iron Man Cosplay Ever | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors
Surely… surely this muct be cheaper than the CGI that Marvel Studios use in the movies? Snap him up, folk, snap him up!