Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Comics, dandy, leinil yu, Tony Moore
Tuesday Runaround – A Very Dandy Day
The British media goes apeshit over the end of The Dandy in print and its launch as a digital publication.
Yesterday, someone rather epicly hacked Tony Moore's tumblr, to a rather insane degree:
"Dearest `Tumblr' users,
We have taken the liberty of upgrading your (rather tasteless, we must say) blog to our premier GNAA Deluxe Gary Niger (pictured to the left) Signed Edition! This is in response to the seemingly pandemic growth and world-wide propagation of the most FUCKING WORTHLESS, CONTRIVED, BOURGEOISIE, SELF-CONGRATULATING AND DECADENT BULLSHIT THE INTERNET EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE OF FACILITATING. However, we do not believe you are beyond redemption! All you have to do is DRINK BLEACH AND DIE YOU EMO, SELF-INSISTING, SELF-DEPRECATING, SELF-INDULGENT EMPTY HUSKS OF HUMAN BEINGS. REPEAT AFTER ME: I WISH I WAS PROFOUND, BUT I'M NOT! I WISH I WAS ORIGINAL, BUT I'M NOT! I WISH MY IMPENDING DEATH WAS OF ANY CONSEQUENCE, BUT IT IS MOST CERTAINLY NOT! Your last chance for redemption hinges upon your death; your death which was most fortunately prescribed by your most unfortunate birth. Fret not, dear emo, your death will be regarded as a sacrifice to humanity; to die a martyr is a glorious ! death, and will likely be your highest contribution to society.
P.S. Attempting to delete these posts will delete your tumblr account ;] But, by all means, go ahead!"With the following tags:
"brony, bronies, my little pony, homestuck, LOL, Fashion, Vintage, Art, Food, Landscape, GIF, Film, Animals, Gaming, LGBTQ, Comics, Science, MLP, Television, Architecture, Tattoos, Portraits, Makeup, Celebs, Cars, Lit, gnaa, astrodickz."
Well, all fixed now…
Behind the scenes of Leinil Yu's Incredible Hulk.
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
NEONOMICON Banned in South Carolina | Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
The library director of the Greenville, South Carolina, public library system has made the decision to remove Alan Moore's award-winning graphic novel Neonomicon from shelves throughout the system despite a letter of support from CBLDF, the National Colation Against Censorship, and the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression. Further, the removal is against the recommendation of the library's content review committee.
"Which Marvel insiders saw, know about, Jack Kirby's 5 penciled Spider-Man pages?"
As mentioned here, Ditko is working on a new series of essays. The first was "The Knowers & the Barkers", appearing in his comic book #17: SEVENTEEN, and the second has just appeared in Robin Snyder's newsletter THE COMICS Vol. 23 No. 7 (July 2012), "The Silent Self-Deceivers", about 1 1/2 pages of Ditko on some issues regarding the creation of Spider-Man. That's the opening of it above.
Some (cropped) images from a new self-published comic I'm working on.
The deadline is fast approaching — applications must be postmarked by December 15th, 2012. Any North American student who will be in their junior or senior year of college or university during the 2013-2014 academic year is eligible. You do not have to be an art major. More information at