Posted in: Recent Updates | Tagged: Alan Moore, doctor who
Twappy Birthday, Alan Moore
I first met Alan Moore on the occasion of his 40th birthday. He was performing Birth Caul: A Shamanism Of Childhood in Newcastle, he's just decided to become a magician and we ended up in the same pub afterwards. I asked him if I could publish his Twilight Of The Superheroes pitch with the copyright serial numbers shaved off, he said yes. DC later said no – basically because they'd paid Alan for the proposal. Alan conceded they might have a point.
Anyway, I decided that the most inappropriate way to celebrate the great man's birthday was by wishing him many happy returns on Twitter. Which he would never even see. Unless… unless… what if Alan Moore actually was on Twitter? What would his first tweet be? And with that #whatwouldalanmooresfirsttweetbe was born…
Azad_Injejikian: Nov. 18th: Dog carcass in alley
jdunbar: Fuck Hollywood!
CharlesSkaggs: No, I don't watch the new DOCTOR WHO but I understand it uses concepts of mine.
theronster: Just about to watch LXG again over a joint and a cup of tea. Y'know, it's really improving with age.
joshadams: Geoff Johns steals my tweets!
AndrewCroskery: It's nice to be clean shaven.
theronster: Right, here's whats wrong with Twitter, and how I'm going to fix it so it works properly.
chuppachup: God is great.
zombie_inc: Is this run on magic
theanonwonder: YOU WILL ALL PAY
ThermobaricTom: Machine. Unexpectedly, I'd invented a time
facdaniels: I wrote this tweet, but completely disavow all involvement with the movie version!
timx13: You may all exist now.
johnreppion: Oh no, Rich bloody Johnston's on here
Join in, that's what it's there for.
ignacioalcuri: I demand that you rename it "whatwouldsfirsttweetbe"
tourtiere: Hard as new steel the sun cuts form a lard of cloud although its light seems… what? only 140 characters?