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Was Monster Society Of Evil Canned For Racism?
It's been on the books for a while. DC's plans to publish a DC Classics Archive edition of the famous Captain Marvel and The Monster Society Of Evil arc.
However, the original stories had quite a number of racially insensitive representations of minorities – the portrayals were of questionable taste at the time the stories were originally published, but when viewed with today's mindset, they may be seen as outright inflamatory.
Including characters such as one Nippo from Nagasaki.
And with Tintin In The Congo hitting the courts over similar issues, there are all sorts of connotations that DC may want to avoid at the moment.
The book was scheduled to be available in November, but now the book is no longer available for pre-purchase at Amazon.
The rumour is that the book has now been pulled from publication to avoid any further charges of racism.