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Wednesday Runaround – "Patches Covering Her Breasts And Bottom And Action Scenes…"

Barnbes&NobleWatch: The New York Times weighs in;

"This fight between Amazon and Barnes & Noble is like the tide or a storm or an earthquake," said Jack Rems, owner of the Escapist Comic Bookstore in Berkeley, Calif. "Nothing I can do about it."

Well, there is one thing. Escapist is offering 20 percent off all the DC titles that the chains removed. Mr. Rems said he hoped the deal would bring some new business in the door.

WinnerWatch: MTV/Stan Lee Seekers winners, Heather Kenealy and Stephen Green get examined by the Examiner.

Kenealy specified that she wasn't going to depict Jennifer Hart in as objectified a way as many female characters are in comics, without making it a "feminist" book – her goal is the two stars as "equal partners", which led Stan Lee to joke about making the male hero "a little bit more prominent".

LeeWatch: Stan Lee is to receive the Visual Effects Society Lifetime Achievement Award.

The VES Lifetime Achievement Award honors individuals whose "lifetime body of work has made a significant and lasting contribution to the art and/or science of the visual effects industry by way of artistry, invention and/or groundbreaking work."

MoneyWatch: Daily Finance turns to comic books as investment stocks.

An original Action Comics #1, the 1938 issue in which Superman first appeared, sold for $1.5 million in 2010. Disney (DIS) gobbled up Marvel Comics in 2009 for $4 billion. It doesn't take Dick Tracy to detect that comics could be a new haven for market-stung capitalists.

While we hate to be the bad guy, please note that investing in comics does carry risk. One retailer likened it to day-trading.

Kenealy specified that she wasn't going to depict Jennifer Hart in as objectified a way as many female characters are in comics, without making it a "feminist" book – her goal is the two stars as "equal partners", which led Stan Lee to joke about making the male hero "a little bit more prominent".

Wednesday Runaround – "Patches Covering Her Breasts And Bottom And Action Scenes…"

GameWatch: Duke Nukem TV ads in Britian are restricted after complaints.

A TV ad for a computer game featuring a naked woman pole dancing and two girls in school uniforms about to kiss in a nightclub has been banned from being aired before 11pm.

The animated TV ad, for the computer game Duke Nukem Forever, also features a full-frontal view of a thong-wearing woman with pixellated patches covering her breasts and bottom and action scenes including aircraft firing guns over a blazing city.

Wednesday Runaround – "Patches Covering Her Breasts And Bottom And Action Scenes…"This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.

They say I am a work in progress. The fools.

Wizard hires Kevin Kelly as managing editor | The Beat

Over the last few years, all the Wizard news stories have been about who's leaving, but here's a story about a new hire for a change. Kevin Kelly, formerly of G4, io9, Cinematical and so on, has joined as managing editor for web endeavors. WIzard is currently published as a computer- and tablet-friendly PDF about once a week.

Investing in Comic Books for Fun and Profit: Super, Man! – DailyFinance

But as owner of Graham Crackers Comics, with nine stores in Illinois, he's dead serious about making money. Graham told DailyFinance he recently reinvested $2 million into so-called Golden Age comics (printed in the 1930s and 1940s) and $500,000 into Silver Age comics (1955 to 1970). He expects at least a 10% return on investment.

Stan Lee to Receive Visual Effects Society's Lifetime Achievement Award – Hollywood Reporter

Stan Lee, the man who co-created Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Daredevil, the Avengers, Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange, is being honored with the Visual Effects Society's 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award.




Duke Nukem Forever ad banned from pre-11pm TV

ASA says animated game advert featuring naked woman pole dancing is too explicit to air in peak time

Still image from Duke Nukem Forever TV ad banned from pre-11pm screening
Duke Nukem Forever's TV ad has attracted complaints from viewers and a pre-11pm ban from the ASA

A TV ad for a computer game featuring a naked woman pole dancing and two girls in school uniforms about to kiss in a nightclub has been banned from being aired before 11pm.

The animated TV ad, for the computer game Duke Nukem Forever, also features a full-frontal view of a thong-wearing woman with pixellated patches covering her breasts and bottom and action scenes including aircraft firing guns over a blazing city.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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