Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, dc relaunch, jim lee, zatanna
Wednesday Trending Topics: The DC Relaunch Costume Cover-Up
There's been a lot of tweets and blog posts this week devoted to the issue of the redesigns of female characters featuring costumes with pants — hilighted most unusually by Zatanna's famous fishnets now being on her arms. Jim Lee vows that secrets of the costume redesigns will be revealed later today, so perhaps we'll know more soon.
Meanwhile, there's not too many slots left on that list…
Most-Read DC-Relaunch Stories Today:
And most surprisingly of all, Hawk And Dove #1 by Sterling Gates and Rob Liefeld.
An Updatable List Of The 52 DC Titles For September
So, what do we know about upcoming DC books in September (I'll count JLA #1 for completeness sake, even though it's a week early,) Red is still a Bleeding Cool rumour. Green is a confirmed Bleeding Cool rumour. Blue is a CBR rumour. Black is a straight confirmation.
DC Relaunch: Zatanna Still To Wear Fishnets… On Her Arms
One of the more peculiar aspects of the DC Comics Relaunch was the edict reported by Bleeding Cool that the female characters all cover up their legs, a departure for the common tight fit swimming costumes that showed a lot of thigh and that in some cases indicated special shaving. But what to do when your central character has a distinctive style that demands that leg skin be shown?
Most-Read Other Comic Stories Today:
DC Cancellations: Northlanders [UPDATED With Additional Info From Brian Wood]
Not only is Brian Wood no longer DC exclusive, not only was he ditched from Supergirl days before the DC Relaunch announcements, not only is DMZ coming to an end (his choice), but now I understand that DC have prematurely cancelled their Vertigo comic Northlanders, Wood's ongoing series of series set amongst the harsh northern European landscapes a thousand years or more ago.
Marvel Not-A-Relaunch: Spider-Island Avengers #1
And, yes, that is Frog Man.
Talking To Bob Burden About Mysterymen, Mystery Men, Trademarks And Comics
Today, Marvel Comics publish Mystery Men #1, the first issue of a five part series, The indicia of the comic however says that all characters featured are trademarks of Marvel Characters.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
First Trailer For The Inbetweeners Film
The Inbetweeners have graduated from the small screen to the big.* I'm not sure I really understand this show, so let me quote Rich:
New Captain America TV Spot Features One Heroic Jump Every 8.25 Seconds
Captain America does more jumping than anything else in his new TV spot. There's a total of four airbound maneuvers from him here, which works out at an average of one every 8.25 seconds. Stick that in your warp pipe and smoke it, Super Mario.
The Dark Knight Rises Plot Thickens: Batman's First Encounter With John Blake Revealed
But who's this John Blake? Well, we think we know.
Most-Clicked Pics Today: