Cullen Bunn and Riley Brown adapt Dead Acre: Black Badge as a weird western Vault Comics graphic novel
Posted in: Comic Show, Recent Updates | Tagged: fcbd
Your Free Comic Book Day Statistics For 2014 – We Did Good!
From the Diamond Retailer Summit in Las Vegas, a break down of how Free Comic Book Day did, by the numbers…
Basically more comics ordered (over four and a half million!), much more publicity in the media given to Free Comic Book Day, and much greater improved social media activity.
In additionm retailers were told that in 2013, comic sales were up by 10% on 2012, and total sales were also up by 10%. That direct market store numbers went up 3% and business of existing stores increased a lot as well. 2014 sales have seen comics slide a bit but graphic novels sales up 5% and and merchandise sales up 14%.

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