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Stan Lee's Soapbox From 1968 on Why Marvel Publish So Many Comics

Each month, Marvel has been running a classic Stan Lee Soapbox column from the sixties, when Stan used to write an editorial in every Marvel comic, in memory of the man. And each seems to have been chosen for its timely resonance. Talking about the use of political commentary in comic books, last month for example.

For May though it's something even closer to home, the complaint from some that Marvel is publishing too many comics for people to afford. Stan wrote around the topic…

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We sometimes receive letters accusing us of publishing too many different titles. A number of fans have said it's too expensive trying to buy all our mags, and they ask us not to be so greedy, and to publish less of 'em. So, we thought you might like to hear OUR side of it. The only reason we cons stantly add new ,titles is because YOU ask for them. Thousands upon thousands of your letters demanded that we give Cap, Shell-Head, Namor, and all the others their own magazines. In fact, remember when we tried to dis-continue the Hulk some years ago? Your unceasing outcry forced us to bring him back, despite the fact that it imposed a tremendous strain upon our already overworked staff. And each time we try to publish fewer 25 summer Specials, you swamp us with letters demanding more than ever. Personally, we'd be happy to let up a bit. Many of us, including yours truly, haven't had a vacation in years! But, our policy was, is, and always will be to give Marveldom what it asks for, and judging by our ever-skyrocketing sales, we're not far from the mark. That's the lowdown, loyal one. We don't want you to spend all your bread on our mags, honest. But, so long as the dramatic demand for them continues, we can't turn a deaf ear. Anyway, remember this: no matter how many stories we create each month, our credo will always be the same —Nil Nisi Optimus — nothing but the best!

Excelsior! —Smiley

See? It's all your fault. Man, I miss when comic book publishers would use Latin at the drop of a laurel wreath…

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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