Posted in: Comics | Tagged: avengers, marvel, MVL, NYCC, shattered heroes, storm
Storm Joins The Avengers And Other Tidbits From the Avengers Shattered Heroes Panel
BC field team correspondent Josh Kopin checks in from the Marvel Shattered Heroes panel at NYCC:
Storm joins The Avengers as part of a larger roster shuffle!
Huge Christos Gage announcement at the xmen panel!
The best thing about Fear Itself, according to Tom Brevoort? It shipped on time!
Fraction on Fear Itself 7.1: "Eulogizing Bucky is clearly Ed's job", and Butcher Guice kills it!
On Adam Kubert's work on 7.2:"he's paying homage to Simonson!"
On 7.3: "Tony Stark yells at god, wonders why bad stuff happens to good people" and eats a sandwich!
On Battle Scars: " its a ground level story about a soldier who comes home from Fear Itself… but with a hint of greater fantasy."
On Defenders: "this is why you read comics," and Arune Singh added that the book is "Matt Fraction writing Iron Man again, which should be enough." Which it is.
Rick Remender and Gabriel Hardman on Secret Avengers starting in February. New team, led by Hawkeye, includes Captain Britain, Beast, Black Widow, some silhouettes.
X23 joins Avengers Academy with issue 23.
The Mighty Tanarus!
The next Invincible Iron Man arc is called "Demon"
Mitch Breitweiser joins Kieron Gillen on JIM in December!
Mark Bagleu does the covers for the thunderbolts arc starting in March!
More on this and other panels as it develops.