Posted in: Comics, Swipe File | Tagged: boris johnson, cartoon, private eye
Separated At Birth: Boris Johnson, Mr Tickle Cartoon & Private Eye
Cartoon time! There's a bit in Doctor Who: The Husbands Of River Song when River enters the TARDIS with the Twelfth Doctor played by Peter Capaldi , in which she does not know he is the Doctor and he is not letting on. Walking into the TARDIS for the "first time" he mutters "it's my go" and he reacts in an over-the-top fashion to the TARDIS being bigger on the inside. Well, now it's my go for the Swipe File or Separated At Birth as Private Eye Magazine likes to have it. As they published this cartoon in the most recent edition #1577, out last week.
Which brought to mind a certain cartoon I had drawn and had published two weeks ago.
Now naturally, there is always parallel lines of development and ideas, I would never dare to suggest that anyone at Private Eye, an organ to which I am a keen subscriber, would ever do a cut and paste job. But given that Private Eye folk do read Guido Fawkes, and this seems to have been an editorially created "cartoon" rather than one of a freelance cartoonist, does raise a query or two. What do you think?
Separated At Birth used to be called Swipe File, in which we presented two or more images that resemble each other to some degree. They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations, coincidences, or works of the lightbox. We trusted you, the reader, to make that judgment yourself. If you were are unable to do so, we asked that you please return your eyes to their maker before any further damage is done. The Swipe File didn't judge; it was interested more in the process of creation, how work influences other work, how new work comes from old, and sometimes how the same ideas emerge simultaneously as if their time has just come. The Swipe File was named after the advertising industry habit where writers and artist collect images and lines they admire to inspire them in their work. It was swiped from the Comic Journal, who originally ran this column and the now-defunct Swipe Of The Week website.